The Art & Technology / Sound Practices department maintains a robust roster of visiting artists and scholars who, in addition to giving presentations about their work, interact with the students in the form of individual studio visits, roundtable discussions, and workshops.

In recent years the department has hosted the following artists and scholars:

Tomomi AdachiJeff Kolar
Nadav AssorJoan La Barbara
Tarek AtouiShawn Lawson
Camae Ayewa / Moor MotherSeo Hye Lee
Vincent Barras and Jacques DemierreAni Liu
Merche BlascoDamon Locks
Olivia BlockAnnea Lockwood
Jaap BlonkFrancisco Lopez
David BowenLuftwerk
Jens BrandMiya Masaoka
Jesse BudelChristof Migone
Rodrigo CadizAllen Moore
Raven ChaconIkue Mori
Audrey Chen and Phil MintonMSHR 
DooEun ChoiDarcy Neal
Chris ColemanPedro Oliveira
Susan CollinsEverest Pipkin
Christoph CoxMaja Ratkje
Peter CusackDylan Robinson
Arnold DreyblattTara Rodgers
KT DuffyStefan Roigk
JJJJJerome EllisAnri Sala
Cevdet ErekAura Satz
Heather FraschCarsten Seiffarth
Anna FrizRyan Ross Smith
Zhang GaLaetitia Sonami
Arthur GansonMichele Spanghero
Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina DomnitchCarl Stone
Carol GenettiTamiko Thiel
George GessertRafael Toral
Malcolm GoldsteinLee Tusman
Samantha GormanBirgit Ulher
Handa GoteUnStumm (Nicola Hein and Claudia Schmitz)
David GrubbsCathy Van Eck
Florian HeckerEmiddio Vasquez
Jung Hee ChoiSalomé Voegelin
Sarah HenniesAddie Wagenknecht
Brian HolmesJennifer Walshe
Giovanni InnellaKari Watson
Olivia JackJames Webb
Whitney JohnsonHildegard Westerkamp
Jennie C. JonesAmnon Wolman
Sophie KahnSantiago X
Yiyun KangLu Yang
Christine Sun KimSamson Young
Walter KitunduPamela Z
Katinka Kleijn