A picture of geometric sculptures on display in a gallery setting

Undergraduate Overview

Undergraduate Overview

SAIC’s undergraduate sculpture curriculum is designed to offer a rigorous mix of conceptual, spatial, material, and process-based challenges through which students learn to understand, negotiate, and contribute to the changing cultural landscape. Students explore and incorporate a wide range of emerging technologies and traditional skills in their practice, including:

  • Woodworking
  • Mold-Making and Casting
  • Foundry
  • Glass Casting
  • Welding and Blacksmithing
  • Installation Art
  • Socially Engaged Art
  • Experimental Media 
  • Sustainable Practices

BFA students interested in Sculpture are encouraged to combine their sculptural work with departments across the school including fiber, ceramics, designed objects, fashion, and more. Introductory sculpture courses are recommended for all entering students, as they provide an introduction to the field, its methodologies and current ideas. Students who choose to concentrate their undergraduate in Sculpture will move from introductory, to intermediate and then advanced studio courses. We also offer a number of undergraduate seminars in Sculpture from Sophomore Seminar to Professional Practices and finally our Senior Capstone. The department also offers a unique opportunity for accomplished and committed undergraduate students in our Advanced Sculptural Practices Studio. This application-based course offers studio space in which to work and learn in close consultation with two faculty instructors and in a small community of dedicated peers.

Sculpture BFA Learning Goals

  • Students will create sculptural works that demonstrate a broad-based awareness of the field. 
  • Students will learn to experiment in order to gain knowledge and acquire technical proficiency. 
  • Students will engage material and process towards an outcome.
  • Students will develop an appreciation of the complexity of sculptural meaning. 
  • Students will formulate, present and defend their ideas towards an independent criticality.

Undergraduate Admissions Requirements & Curriculum Overview

  • To apply to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), you will need to fill out an application and submit your transcripts, artist's statement, and letters of recommendation. And most importantly, we require a portfolio of your best and most recent work—work that will give us a sense of you, your interests, and your willingness to explore, experiment, and think beyond technical art, design, and writing skills.

    In order to apply, please submit the following items:  

    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Portfolio

    Submit 10–15 pieces of your best and most recent work. We will review your portfolio and application materials for merit scholarship once you have been admitted to SAIC.

    When compiling a portfolio, you may concentrate your work in a single discipline or show work in a breadth of media. The portfolio may include drawings, prints, photographs, paintings, film, video, audio recordings, sculpture, ceramics, fashion designs, graphic design, furniture, objects, architectural designs, websites, video games, sketchbooks, scripts, storyboards, screenplays, zines, or any combination of the above.

    Learn more about applying to SAIC's Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio, or view our portfolio preparation guide for more information.

  • Studio


    • CP 1010 Core Studio Practice I (3)
    • CP 1011 Core Studio Practice II (3)
    • CP 1020 Research Studio I (3)
    • CP 1022 Research Studio II (3)
    • SOPHSEM 2900 (3)
    • PROFPRAC 3900 (3)
    • CAPSTONE 4900 (3)
    • Studio Electives (48)


    Art History


    • ARTHI 1001 World Cultures/Civilizations: Pre-History—19th Century Art and Architecture (3)
    • Art History Elective at 1000 level (3)
    • Art History Electives (9)


    Liberal Arts


    • ENGLISH 1001 First Year Seminar I (3)
    • ENGLISH 1005 First Year Seminar II (3)
    • Natural Science (6)
    • Social Science (6)
    • Humanities (6)
    • Liberal Arts Electives (6)


    General Electives


    • Studio, Art History, Liberal Arts, AAP, or EIS


    Total Credit Hours


    * BFA students must complete at least 6 credit hours in a class designated as “off campus study.” These credits can also fulfill any of the requirements listed above and be from any of the divisions (Art History, Studio, Liberal Arts, or General Electives).

    BFA With Distinction—SAIC Scholars Program: The SAIC Scholars program is a learning community of BFA students pursuing rigorous study in both their academic coursework and their studio pathways. There are two opportunities for interested students to apply to the SAIC Scholars Program: at the time of admission to the school, and after they have completed 30 credits of study at SAIC. Students pursuing the latter option are required to formally submit an application to the Undergraduate Division. Once admitted to the SAIC Scholars Program, students are required to successfully complete a minimum of six designated scholars courses. Students who complete the program will graduate with distinction.

    BFA in Studio with Thesis Option (Liberal Arts or Visual Critical Studies): BFA students may complete a nine-credit, research-based academic thesis as part of their studies within the 120 credits for the BFA in Studio degree. BFA with Thesis course sequences are offered over 3 semesters through the departments of Liberal Arts or Visual and Critical Studies (VCS). Students who are interested in one of the thesis options should follow the steps outlined below in the beginning of the junior year.

    Requirements for the BFA: Studio Art with Liberal Arts Thesis

    Step One: Students are required to meet with the Chair of the Liberal Arts department in the beginning of their junior year. 

    Step Two: With the Department Chair’s approval, the student enrolls in the following courses beginning in the spring term of their junior year:

    • SOCSCI or HUMANITY 3900 Academic Research and Writing (3 credits)
    • LIBARTS 4800 Undergraduate Thesis: Research/Writing I (3 credits)
    • CAPSTONE 4900 Liberal Arts Undergraduate Thesis: Research/Writing II (3 credits)

    Step Three: The completed thesis must be approved by both the Thesis II instructor and the Chair of Liberal Arts. Students must make a formal presentation and participate in the Undergraduate Thesis Symposium in their senior year. 

    Requirements for the BFA: Studio Art with Visual and Critical Studies (VCS) Thesis

    Step One: Students are required to meet with the Visual and Critical Studies Undergraduate Coordinator in or by the beginning of their junior year.

    Step Two: With the VCS Coordinator’s approval, the student enrolls in the first of the three-course sequence beginning in the spring term of their junior year:

    • VCS 3010 Tutorial in Visual & Critical Studies (3 credits)
    • VCS 4800 Undergraduate Thesis Seminar: Research & Writing I (3 credits)
    • CAPSTONE 4900 VCS Undergraduate Thesis Seminar: Research & Writing II (3 credits)

    Step Three: Completion of thesis must be approved by both the Thesis II instructor and the VCS Undergraduate Coordinator. Students must make a formal presentation and participate in the Undergraduate VCS Thesis Symposium in the senior year.

    Total credits required for minimum residency


    Minimum Studio credit


Course Listing

Title Catalog Instructor Schedule


This course offers instruction in various methods of casting, including simple plaster molds, hydrocal-cement casts, simple body casts, thermal-setting rubber molds, wax, terra cotta, and paper casting. Students are advised to bring objects they desire to cast. (No hot metal casting in this course.)

Class Number







280 Building Rm 030


Materials Lab: Raw & Cooked Materials will explore five techniques of material reuse and invention: densify, reconfigure, transform, design and cultivate. Dispensing with the notion of nature as raw material, standing supply, this course begins with surplus, waste and by-products as an earlier beginning point of meaning and making. This class will look at vernacular architecture, secondary use design and current industrial models of material manufacture to understand both the physical properties of materials and their interconnected social, political and ethical meaning.

Class Number






Area of Study

Politics and Activisms, Art and Science, Collaboration, Public Space, Site, Landscape, Public Space, Site, Landscape, Sustainable Design


280 Building Rm 015


This course explores the aesthetic potential of cast iron as a sculptural material. Students learn to construct and operate a cupola and related equipment for melting and pouring iron. The class culminates in a two-day field trip in which the participants fire the cupola and continuously pour cast iron into prepared molds. Discussions include the historical and contemporary applications of the material.


Prerequisite: SCULP 2113 or SCULP 3113

Class Number







280 Building Rm 030

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