EXPO 2019: Six SAIC Alums Pushing Boundaries
In Newcity’s review of EXPO CHICAGO 2019, six alums are featured for their innovative use of materials and varying subject matter. Represented by Rene Schmitt, Kay Rosen (SAIC 1967–71) utilized text to explore the construction of meaning with silkscreen prints. Organized by Sarah Skaggs (MA 2016) and graduate curatorial assistant Sophie Jenkins, a current student, the SAIC Booth represented five 2019 MFA alums, Julie Boldt, Rosemary Hall, and Ed Oh, Parvin Peivandi, and Marie Ségolène. Collectively, these artists examined ways in which the personal and the body define “social cultural systems and the historical narrative of politics.” At the Chicago Artists Coalition and Corbett vs. Dempsey gallery booths, Mev Luna (MFA 2017) and Omar Velazquez (MFA 2016) returned to the archive and familial histories to investigate colonialism, immigrant life, and discrimination in public life through painting, sculpture, and video.