A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Weinstein and Endsley Fellowship Award Winners Announced

James Weinstein Memorial Fellowship Recipient:
Guanyu Xu
James Weinstein Committee:
Aimée Beaubien, Marzena Abrahamik, Dawit L Petros, Kate O’Neill, Oliver Sann, Jan Tichy, Alan Labb, Claire Pentecost, Robert Clarke-Davis
The family and friends of James Weinstein established the James Weinstein Memorial Fund for Photographic Artists in 1994 at the School of the Art Institute.  The Weinstein Fund is a permanent endowed fund, the income from which will be used each year to award a stipend (the Weinstein Fellowship) to aid the MFA Photography candidate with their thesis exhibition. 
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Fred Endsley Memorial Fellowship Recipients:
William Bradshaw Ten Eick, Susan Jablonski, Lilly Gin Kim, Lauren Oberlin
Fred Endsley Committee:
Aimee Beaubien, Mayumi Lake, Marzena Abrahamik, Jonas Becker, Dawit Petros, Rebecca Walz, Sonja Thomsen, Jesse Avina, Oliver Sann
The Endsley Memorial Fellowships in memory of former faculty member Fred Endsley, are awarded every year to Graduating BFA candidates whose emphasis has been in the Photography Department. The awards are intended to facilitate the completion of a Fall or Spring BFA Thesis Exhibition. Recipients will receive the monetary award in Spring 2019 – this includes those who participate in the Fall 2018 BFA exhibition as well.