SAIC's Student Chapter of NOMA Wins Second Place in Annual Design Competition
Congratulations to SAIC's student chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) who recently competed and won second prize in the 2018 Barbara G. Laurie NOMA Annual Student Design Competition. Their project, a proposal for a mixed-use transit oriented development in Chicago's Woodlawn neighborhood, was titled Golden Stature. The project explored the historical value of the Liberty statue from Chicago's 1893 Columbian Exposition and "reclaims a future legacy for the Woodlawn community [while] revisioning a framework for growth toward the future," according to the student designers. The competition team included Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Designed Objects (AIADO) undergraduate students: Lily G Hernandez, Winee Lau, KanKan Liu, Lanye Luo, Wenyue Qiu, Tina She, Valerie Wong, and Alyssa Yao. Read more about the competition and SAIC's student chapter of NOMA here.