Chicago Imagists and Hairy Who Exhibited Alongside Vintage Pinball Machines
The Smithsonian recently published the article "New Exhibition Lets You Look at Art While Playing Pinball," about art on pinball machines and its influence on the Chicago-based art collectives the Chicago Imagists and Hairy Who. The Chicago Imagists and Hairy Who include several SAIC community members and alumni, Art Green (BFA 1965, HON 2016), Constantino Mitchell (SAIC 1979), Gladys Nilsson (BFA 1962, HON 2016, Painting and Drawing), James T. Nutt (BFA 1967, HON 2016), Suellen Rocca (BFA 1964, HON 2016), Barbara A. Rossi (MFA 1970, Painting and Drawing) and Karl A. Wirsum (BFA 1961, HON 2016), whose work is shown alongside vintage, playable pinball machines in the exhibit, Kings and Queens: Pinball, Imagists and Chicago at the Elmhurst Art Museum through May 7. Read more about the exhibit at the Smithsonian.