Pages of a letter with a drawing

Detail of Walter Benjamin, letter to Gershom Scholem, October 27, 1921. Image courtesy of Hyperallergic

Professor Annie Bourneuf’s Innovative New Book Applauded by Hyperallergic

School of the Art Institute of Chicago Professor Annie Bourneuf's new book, Beyond the Angel of History: The Angelus Novus and Its Interleaf, was celebrated by Hyperallergic for its innovative ideas and creative blending of history, art theory, and philosophy. The book features interdisciplinary research on the intricacies of Walter Benjamin’s analysis of Paul Klee’s Angel Novus. Bourneuf focuses on Benjamin’s essay “On the Concept of History,” which utilizes Klee’s iconic drawing (once owned by Benjamin himself and now preserved at the Israel Museum) as a focal point for her complex analysis.