A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

HPRES Students Awarded Honorable Mention in the HABS Holland Prize 2016

SAIC HPRES students Melanie Bishop, Brenda Bohen, Joyce Ramos, and Meredith Stewart were awarded an Honorable Mention in the distinguished HABS Holland Prize 2016. Joyce Ramos was the delineator.  The competition included 9 entries from across the United States. There were three prizes issued. The SAIC team was sponsored by faculty member Charles Pipal, with aid from teaching assistant Emily Marie Barton. The National Park Service annual award is given to the best single sheet documentation of a noteworthy work of architecture. The students documented the iconic CHESS PAVILION, a reinforced concrete canopy by architect Maurice Webster from 1957. The drawing and short form history will now be included and housed in the Library of Congress collection of the Historic American Building Survey.
