Estate Information
Toward the end of his life, Roger Brown began making major gifts to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1997, Brown bequeathed all unsold paintings at the time of his death to SAIC, transferring the representation of his posthumous career to the School.
Works from the Estate Painting and Print collections are offered for sale to museums and private collectors and are available for loan to museum exhibitions. Proceeds from the sale of paintings and prints support scholarships at SAIC.
For information about works for loan to museum exhibitions or for sale, please contact rogerbrownestate@saic.edu
Roger Brown Master Artworks Digital Collection
A large but not complete collection of works by Roger Brown from 1966 to 1997
Roger Brown Catalog of Works
We maintain an internal database of Brown's work, including information on all known public and private collections that own works by Brown. We strive to locate all of Brown's works, and we welcome collectors to contact us if you own a work by Roger Brown. We do not share contact information; we notify collectors of queries for loans from museums and/or reproduction permissions. SAIC owns the © to all works by Roger Brown (unless otherwise assigned) and licenses reproductions for all manner of publications. We attempt to notify owners when works are licensed for reproduction.
For additional information or to provide information for the internal Roger Brown database, please contact rogerbrownestate@saic.edu