Visiting the Library
See the most current information about visiting the library.
Borrowing & Renewing from Flaxman Library
Items may be checked out by members of the S/AIC community, SAIC alumni and I-Share partner members. Instructions for renewing your library books (Flaxman & I-Share) can be found here.
Please note: Reserve, special collections items, and journals/magazines do not circulate outside of the library.
Limit 50 Items (5 Videos)
- Books: 16 weeks, 64 week maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: 7 days, no renewals
- Board games, video games + consoles: 2 weeks, no renewals
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
- I-Share Books: 4 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- I-Share Audio/Video: 2 weeks, no renewals
Limit 100 Items (5 Videos)
- Books: 16 weeks, 64 weeks maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: 7 days, no renewals
- Board games, video games + consoles: 2 weeks, no renewals
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
- I-Share Books: 4 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- I-Share Audio/Video: 2 weeks, no renewals
Limit 100 Items
- Books: 16 weeks, 64 week maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: 7 days, no renewals
- Board games, video games + consoles: 2 weeks, no renewals
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
- I-Share Books: 4 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- I-Share Audio/Video: 2 weeks, no renewals
Limit 50 Items (5 Videos)
- Books: 16 weeks, 64 week maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: 7 days, no renewals
- Board games, video games + consoles: 2 weeks, no renewals
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
- I-Share Books: 4 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- I-Share Audio/Video: 2 weeks, no renewals
- AIC staff contact Ryerson & Burnham Libraries for requests outside of I-Share (ILL)
Limit 50 Items
- Books: 16 weeks, 64 week maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: In-library use only
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
Please note: alumni do not have access from home to library databases after they graduate, as the database licenses we sign state we can only provide off-campus access to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff.
Limit 50 Items—books and audio are due back at the end of currently enrolled course
- Books: 16 weeks, no renewals
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: In-library use only
- Zines (Main Stacks): 2 weeks, no renewals
Limit 50 Items
- Books: 4 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Audio: 2 weeks, 16 week maximum renewal period
- Video: In-library use only
Want to visit the library? Please see our Hours, Visiting, & Borrowing page for details.
SAIC and I-Share borrowers can track due dates and fines in their library account. Your prompt response to library notices will help to limit fees. Questions or account updates can be sent to flaxcirc@saic.edu or provided by call at 312.899.5097.
Currently, no daily overdue fines are charged. If you don’t return your checked-out items after 35 days, they will automatically be declared lost and a flat fee will be applied for replacement costs.
- Long-overdue (35 days) items deemed lost will incur a flat replacement fine of $100
- If you return the item in good condition, all fines are waived
- Damaged items are charged the replacement cost of the item based on availability of very good condition items
- We do not accept replacement copies purchased by you in lieu of fee payment
- All items remain the property of SAIC and must be returned to the library whenever possible
- ARTICard (in person only)
- Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express). To provide credit card information by phone, please call 312.899.5097
- Check, payable to SAIC Flaxman Library can be mailed to SAIC Flaxman Library Circulation, 37 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60603
Blocked from Borrowing
From Flaxman Library
- $5 fine minimum owed to Flaxman
- One item or more tagged "lost" at Flaxman
- Three or more items tagged "lost" in I-Share
From I-Share
- 25 I-Share items overdue
- One item recalled and overdue
- Three "lost" items (overdue 28 days)
- Ten claims returned on I-Share items
- Ten I-Share items self-shelved (returned to the shelf without discharge)
- $200 total owed in I-Share fines or fees
- Contact the I-Share library directly to pay those fines
Borrowing from Other Libraries (aka Interlibrary Loan)
Interlibrary loan (ILL) services are available to SAIC students enrolled in degree programs, SAIC faculty, and SAIC staff.
Remember to always check the Library Search and I-Share before placing an ILL request.
- Login to I-Share using your ARTIC username and password
- Usually takes 3-5 days; you will receive an email once it arrives
- See our How to Request I-Share Materials page for instructions
- Fill out the interlibrary loan request form
- Physical items usually take 1-2 weeks
- Digital items (PDFs of articles or book chapters) usually takes 2-5 days
- You will receive an email once it arrives
- See our How to Request Unavailable Resources Page for instructions
Propose an Exhibition, Event, or Artist Intervention in the Flaxman Library + Special Collections
Members of the SAIC community and outside curators can submit proposals for exhibitions, events, or artistic interventions that utilize the 5th and 6th floors of the Sharp Building or our 5th floor exhibition cases/video monitor.
We welcome proposals for exhibitions which utilize our collections and/or highlight works related to coursework or research at SAIC. The form may also be used to propose events or guest artist interventions (such as installations or performances) that highlight and support the creative research conducted by our community.
Being a guest artist and/or curator requires a proposal, and that proposal must be approved by library staff before proceeding.
Click here to review our policies and submit a proposal.
Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please propose an event at least 1-2 months in advance. Questions? Email jfabc@saic.edu and flaxman@saic.edu.
Watch a selection of past events
Using Study Rooms
NOTE: These rooms cannot be reserved for attending recurring Zoom meetings or class sessions or as spaces for eating (no food is allowed in these spaces). If you have any questions about a use not addressed below, please email us at flaxman@saic.edu.
Video Playback Stations: 603 Sharp
- Walk-in use only (no reservations)
- Only for viewing/listening on the equipment provided
- Limit use to approximately 2 hours (or the length of the movie, album, etc.)
Library Classrooms: 613 Sharp (12– 25 people) and 602 Sharp (2–11 people)
For students, faculty, and staff: these rooms are available on a walk-in, first come first serve basis. Exception: students can book a room for their thesis presentation to their thesis committees (approx. 60-90 minutes).
For faculty: room reservations are only accepted via email to flaxman@saic.edu (in order of priority) for the following:
- Library instruction sessions
- Viewing items from the Flaxman Library collections (approx. 2 hrs; see 603 Video Playback Stations policy)
- Student advising by faculty but not regularly (30–60 minute sessions)
Walk-in use is okay at other times, but you must give up the room if/when it is reserved or needed for video viewing. Keep noise at acceptable levels that do not disturb others using the library.
Cell Phones, Food, and Drink
- Cell phones are allowed in the library. Please be considerate of others, don't use your phone in the designated quiet areas (east end of the library)
- Food is not allowed in any area of the 6th floor, but is allowed in the 5th floor corridor seating
- Beverages in covered cups are allowed in the main collections (6th floor)
- No food or beverages are allowed in Special Collections / Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection
SAIC Circulating Resource Usage Policy
Thank you for your interest in donating to Flaxman Library. Financial contributions to the School can be made through the Office of Institutional Advancement.
The Flaxman Library cannot accept donations of books or other materials from the public due to space limitations. Please do not come to the library with books to donate.
If you believe you have materials of particular value to the School, please send a list of items to flaxman@saic.edu.
If you are affiliated with the SAIC (in particular, faculty) and have materials to donate, please send a list of items to flaxman@saic.edu.
Those within the SAIC community who wish to donate books or other materials are encouraged to take them to:
SAIC book-X-change:
112 S. Michigan Ave., 14th floor lounge
SAIC Surplus (swap/donate supplies and materials):
37 S. Wabash Ave., Woodshop Room 312
280 S. Columbus Dr., Room 123
Below is a list of charitable organizations that accept donations.
Better World Books
Books for Africa
Books for Soldiers
The Brown Elephant
Habitat for Humanity Restores
LGBT Books to Prisoners
Myopic Books
Open Books
Prison Book Program
Reader to Reader, Inc.
Turning the Page
WikiBooks Book Donations