Graduate Curriculum & Courses

The Master of Science (MS) in Historic Preservation program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) is a two-year, 60-credit hour graduate curriculum that prepares students for careers in revitalizing our built environment.

Courses are offered in four areas:

  1. Architectural design
  2. Physical conservation
  3. Architectural and social history
  4. Preservation planning

Each graduate student in the program completes two years of coursework in each of these areas as part of the required curriculum. The program is geared toward full-time study.

Core CoursesCredit Hours
Architectural Design6  
  • HPRES 5008 Physical Documentation (3)
  • HPRES 5010 Restoration Design Studio (3)
Physical Conservation
  • HPRES 5003 Historic Materials & Technology (3)
  • HPRES 5012 Building Pathology (3)
  • HPRES 6006 Building Conservation Lab (3)
Architectural & Social History12  
  • HPRES 5006 History and Theory of Historic Preservation (3)
  • ARTHI 4125 Racial Politics of the US Built Environment I (3)
  • ARTHI 4135 Racial Politics of the US Built Environment II (3)
  • HPRES 5543 American Interior Design (3)
Preservation Planning12  
  • HPRES 5002 Archival Documentation (3)
  • HPRES 5014 Preservation Planning (3)
  • HPRES 5015 Preservation Planning Studio (3)
  • HPRES 6008 Preservation Law (3)
Electives From Any Department15  
HPRES 6010  Thesis I3
HPRES 6014  Thesis II3
Completion of Thesis 
Completion of Internship (210 Hours) 
Total Credit Hours60 

Degree Requirements & Specifications

Completion Schedule

Students have a maximum of four years to complete the course work and submit a final thesis. This includes time off for leaves of absences. Thesis in Progress: Students who have not submitted a finished thesis for review and approval by the end of the final semester of enrollment are given a Thesis in Progress grade (IP). All students with a Thesis in Progress grade (IP) will be charged the Thesis in Progress Fee in each subsequent full semester until the thesis is completed and approved and the grade is changed to Credit (CR). If the statute of limitations is reached without an approved thesis, the grade will be changed to No Credit (NCR).

Transfer Credit

A minimum of 54 credit hours must be completed in residence at SAIC. Up to 15 transfer graduate-level credits may be requested at the time of application for admission. No transfer credit will be permitted after a student is admitted.

Full-Time Status Minimum Requirement: 12 Credit Hours

Extracurricular Activities

In addition to course work, the two-year, 60 credit-hour Historic Preservation program requires students to undertake an internship. The 210-hour internship with a preservation agency, conservator, restoration architect, or designer enables students to work on historically significant sites and to learn firsthand the latest preservation techniques.

SAIC's Historic Preservation program has extensive international contacts and offers students significant overseas study opportunities. The Historic Preservation program's balanced curriculum and emphasis on real-world experience prepare students for a wide range of professional opportunities.

Course Listing

Title Catalog Instructor Schedule


This course will consider a continuum of policies, incentives, and governance models that support arts and culture in place. Students will support community goals by researching best practices in district- and community-scaled arts administration. In consultation with local stakeholders, students will assess community needs and develop models for local and regional arts support. The course will culminate with a presentation of findings to Arts Alliance Illinois leadership.
Partners include: Arts Alliance Illinois, Cook County, Selected communities, Legacy Consulting, Public Sphere Projects
Reading include Arnold Alanen and Robert Melnick, ¿Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America¿; Americans for the Arts, ¿AEP 6¿; Jeff Speck, ¿Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time.¿
Assignments will be both group driven and based upon individual research interests within the overarching topic and in relation to the partner/ client organization Arts Alliance Illinois. Students will prepare initial draft strategy proposal documentation as a group and then based upon review they will develop a specific part of a final project strategy document. While the work will stem from conversations with Arts Alliance Illinois as a 'client' the finished material will be presented 'as live' with the potential for adoption rather than as a live consequential proposal.

Class Number





Historic Preservation

Area of Study

Class, Race, Ethnicity, Community & Social Engagement, Public Space, Site, Landscape


Lakeview - 1506


In this interdisciplinary studio-seminar, students will work with SITE Galleries and its archive. Founded in 1994, SITE, once known as the Student Union Galleries (SUGs), is a student-run organization at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) for the exhibition of student work. SITE was created as a response to the lack of spaces on SAIC's campus to accommodate the display of student work. Since then, SITE has had the support of faculty advisors and staff and has supported the professional development of roughly 80 student staff members, produced over 260 exhibitions, and has served more than 850 student artists. For more details about SITE Galleries, visit the following link -

This class will join the legacy celebration of SITE's 30th anniversary and will continue work with SITE's archive to support the efforts of bringing it to a publicly accessible stage while understanding the archival needs of the paper-based collection of ephemera, promotional materials and digital documentation. The class readings and course content will include material that addresses a range of contemporary approaches to archive management and mediation focusing on specific institutional examples alongside the work of practitioners in the field of archival management and research.

Class Number





Historic Preservation

Area of Study

Exhibition and Curatorial Studies


Lakeview - 1507


This course explores the rich genre of vernacular-built environments - where personal spaces like homes, studios, and gardens have been fully transformed into continually evolving, site-specific, and life-encompassing endeavours. Frequently such spaces are understood as works or art because they include strong visual and crafted elements. Such structures include mosaic-covered homes, painted mountains, found object gardens, hand-built concrete compounds, and much more. In this course, we will explore the expansive ways that those creating environments push the canonical limits of artmaking and the idea of who the artist is through their interactions with material, landscape, and community. We will examine historical and contemporary art environments within their social, political, and cultural contexts, consider the ¿lives¿ of ephemeral sites via preservation initiatives, and discuss where these artists and their work intersect (and do not intersect) with the mainstream art world. The artists included in this class present a demographic and geographic cross-section of America (and elsewhere), and readings, lectures, and class discussion will support the development of a more inclusive understanding of artmaking and placemaking in the United States. Artists¿ sites examined range from Sabato Rodia¿s Watts Towers in Los Angeles, California to L.V. Hull¿s home in Kosciusko, Mississippi. Students are expected to attend in-person class, complete a variety of readings and research-based projects, and participate in class discussion. Sign up for this class requires instructor consent and is by application to Professor Annalise Flynn. If you would like more information about this class, please email Annalise at


Prerequisite: Art History Survey Requirement OR Graduate Student

Class Number





Historic Preservation

Area of Study

Museum Studies


Lakeview - 1507


This studio and lecture course focuses on the restoration design of existing historic buildings (following the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines) using historic photographs, working drawings, and descriptions; stylistic analysis; and similar building topologies. Historical structural systems, construction methods, and mechanical systems are also studied and researched. Restoration drawings are prepared to document the changes needed for restoration.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


Lakeview - 1506


This studio and lecture course focuses on the restoration design of existing historic buildings (following the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines) using historic photographs, working drawings, and descriptions; stylistic analysis; and similar building topologies. Historical structural systems, construction methods, and mechanical systems are also studied and researched. Restoration drawings are prepared to document the changes needed for restoration.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


Lakeview - 1506


Why do buildings get sick and how do we make them well? This course examines the deterioration (by man and nature) of building materials and their component systems. Through lectures and field studies, students will study the symptoms, diagnose the problem, determine what tests are needed, and how to remedy the effect . Field trips included.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


Lakeview - 1507


Preservation Law concentrates on the legal framework of American cultural preservation. All professionals in the field should know the local and national laws protecting our cultural heritage and how to advocate on behalf of heritage preservation. The course explores such topics as the constraints under which local landmark commissions operate, the rights of property owners and the strengths and failings of federal protection laws. In addition, we will study the increasing acceptance of diverse views and how context affects our understanding of cultural artifacts.

The classroom work incorporates the question and answer method, in which students and professor discuss the day?s topic and assigned readings. As much as possible, original documents and materials will be included in the assigned readings, such as the seminal United States Supreme Court Penn Central decision. Chicago is a center of cultural preservation activity, so we are able to invite a variety of outside speakers for practical and diverse viewpoints.

There will be a long-term project in which each student selects a controversial cultural artifact, investigates its history and analyses the controversy. Students then give a class presentation of their findings and conclusions.

Class Number





Historic Preservation


Lakeview - 1506

Take the Next Step

Visit the graduate admissions website or contact the graduate admissions office at 312.629.6100, 800.232.7242, or