Tuition & Financial Assistance
Tuition and Financial Assistance
Tuition and Fees Budget
1-week Session:
Tuition: $1,848
Housing and Meal Plan*: $630
Supplies: approximately $150
Incidentals/personal spending: approximately $100
2-week Sessions:
Tuition: $3,696
Housing and Meal Plan*: $1,260
Supplies: approximately $300
Incidentals/personal spending: approximately $200
4-week Session:
Tuition: $7,392
Housing and Meal Plan*: $2,520
Supplies: approximately $450
Incidentals/personal spending: approximately $350
Please Note: Merit and Financial Aid applications are accepted at the time of registration by purchasing the $100 deposit. The Early College Summer Institutes are a significant investment. We offer financial aid and merit awards that cover a percentage of the tuition cost of the program. Please know that living on campus and purchasing art supplies are additional costs to plan for.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available in the form of need-based aid and merit scholarships, as well as employee tuition remission. Need-based aid is available to US residents only. All students may apply for merit scholarships. Note: Students must declare that they are applying for need-based financial aid and/or merit scholarships at the time of registration. Financial assistance covers a percentage of tuition costs only, housing and supply costs are not covered by financial assistance.
Merit Scholarships Are Available
All students may apply for merit scholarships. SAIC awards merit scholarships as funds allow, so early applications are encouraged. To apply for a merit scholarship, students should choose "Option 1: Apply for aid/scholarships and pay a $100 non-refundable tuition deposit" when registering online and pay a $100 non-refundable tuition deposit. Applicants must select “Yes” when asked if you are applying for a merit scholarship at the time of registration.
Students will be prompted to submit a portfolio of 6–10 pieces of artwork during the registration process. Artwork may be in any medium, regardless of class choice. Artwork is only required for merit scholarship consideration, not admission into the program. If your student does not have their artwork ready to upload at the time of registration, please select “No” when asked if you are prepared to upload your portfolio during the registration process. You will then receive an email with further instructions on how to upload your portfolio for merit scholarship consideration. Please note: your student’s merit scholarship application will not be considered complete until their merit portfolio is received.
Need-Based Financial Aid is Available
Need-based financial aid is available to US residents only. To apply for need-based financial aid, students should choose "Option 1: Apply for aid/scholarships and pay a $100 non-refundable tuition deposit" when registering online and pay a $100 non-refundable tuition deposit. Need-Based financial aid is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants must select “Yes” when asked if you are applying for need-based financial aid at the time of registration.
Following registration, students will be emailed a link to DocuSign, a secure server, where they will need to upload a copy of the top two pages of their family’s most recent year’s federal tax form 1040. Please note: your student’s need-based financial aid application will not be considered complete until the federal tax form 1040 is received.
Employee Tuition Remission
Continuing Studies Tuition Remission requests must be submitted by creating a Jira Tuition Remission Form and attaching a completed Early College Program Summer Institute registration form at the time of Jira submission. Please do not email your forms to the Continuing Studies Enrollment team. They must be uploaded in Jira to be considered a complete request.
- Step 1: Log into the Jira Tuition Remission Form using your ARTIC SSO credentials (artic Gmail). You must be logged into VPN if you are offsite. Fill in the fields. Some questions are dynamic based on your responses. All fields are required unless noted as optional. Under the "Will Register for:" section, be sure to select Continuing Studies.
- Step 2: Attach a completed required Early College Program Summer Institute registration form to your Jira request. Do not email your registration forms to the CS Enrollment Team, they must be attached to your Jira request.
- Step 3: Select "create" at the bottom of the form to submit it for review.
- Step 4: We will contact you via a Jira comment four weeks out from the start date of the course to let you know if there is space for us to move the enrollment forward. If there is no space at that time, we will contact you via a Jira comment to find an alternative course.
The registration form and instructions for Employee Tuition Remission enrollment can be found here. Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to Human Resources.
Third-Party Billing and Sponsored Students
Third-party billing is when a company or government/outside agency has established special billing arrangements to cover tuition and/or fees for students that it sponsors. Continuing Studies must receive authorization from the sponsoring agency before third-party billing can be processed. All billing authorizations—which may be a letter, purchase order, or voucher—must be on the official agency letterhead and signed by an officer of the organization.
Payment by the sponsor must be made directly to Continuing Studies; agreements, where payments are sent to the student, cannot be honored. All authorizations must include the term that the authorization is in effect. Continuing Studies cannot accommodate any restrictions or contingencies on the authorization. For instance, if the agency requires transcript information before payment, Continuing Studies cannot authorize third-party billing.
All sponsored students are required to complete an Early College Program Summer Institute registration form and Tuition Repayment Agreement (promissory note) in order to be registered for the class and to initiate third-party billing. In the event of nonpayment or partial payment by the third-party agency, the student will be charged for the unpaid amount. Third parties are invoiced after the class is confirmed to run. Payments must be made within 30 days of billing. If payment is not received within 30 days, the agency and the student will be notified, and the student will be billed for the unpaid amount as authorized on the Tuition Repayment Agreement. Any charges that are not paid by the sponsor are billed to the student. Complete a copy of the Early College Program Summer Institute registration form and Tuition Repayment Agreement and email.
Refund Policy
All drop requests must be submitted in writing to cs@saic.edu and include the student’s name, ID number, and course information. One hundred percent of the tuition charge, less a $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit, is refundable if courses are dropped by May 1st. If a course is dropped after the deadline, no refund will be granted. Note: this date applies for all sessions.
Refunds take four to six weeks to process, depending on payment type. Note: No tuition will be refunded, and financial aid and merit scholarships may be revoked, if a student is asked to leave the program for violations of policies or regulations. No refunds will be given if a student withdraws voluntarily or for personal reasons such as homesickness. Nonattendance does not constitute an official drop request, nor a cancellation of tuition and fees—drop requests must be submitted in writing as outlined above by the deadline.
Cancellations and Schedule Changes
Continuing Studies reserves the right to cancel or alter the fees, schedule, or staffing of courses when circumstances warrant. If a cancellation or change is necessary, students will be notified prior to the first class, and students enrolled in canceled courses will have the option of taking another class or receiving a full refund. Note: Courses with low enrollment may be canceled, thus early registration is encouraged.
Wait List Procedures for Continuing Studies
If you are interested in registering for a course that is full, we encourage you to add yourself to the wait list by filling out the wait list form for the individual course on our online registration website.
We will make every attempt to notify you if a spot does become available in your preferred course for purchase online.
Contact Us
Continuing Studies staff members are available Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CT at 312.629.6170 or cs@saic.edu to answer your questions. We are here to help!