Welcome to Career and Professional Experience (CAPX), your connection to talented SAIC students and alumni in the creative industries. With over 2,000 local, national, and international employers and internship providers in our network, CAPX offers a variety of resources for employers like you. From posting opportunities to partnering with our internship program and participating in events, we're here to help you find and hire the best creative talent.
Post Opportunities on Handshake
We use Handshake as SAIC’s official online job board platform. By posting opportunities on Handshake, you can access our talented pool of candidates and manage your recruitment efforts in one place. Visit the Handshake employer information site to learn more.
Partner with CAPX Internship Program & FWS Subsidizing Fund Program
We welcome internship providers to host SAIC students for paid on-site, remote, or hybrid internships during the fall, winter, spring, or summer sessions. Eligible employers (501c3 non-profit organizations) can also receive financial support for hosting SAIC interns through our Federal Work-Study (FWS) Subsidizing Fund Program.
Participate in CAPX Events
CAPX hosts a variety of events throughout the year to help employers connect with our students and alumni. The SAIC Internship + Job EXPO is our premier career fair, providing a valuable opportunity for employers to connect with SAIC's talented pool of students and graduates. This virtual EXPO takes place in both the spring and fall semesters. It is free to participate and enables employers to connect with the SAIC community to promote paid opportunities. We also offer virtual Employer Presentation and Expert Exchange events where creative professionals can meet with students and alumni to offer career advice and insights. Please complete the Employer Event Interest Form to explore the opportunity.
Thank you for considering CAPX as your partner in hiring the next generation of creative professionals.
Please contact Younsoo Kim Flynn, Director of Employer Relations and Communications, to learn more about partnership opportunities.
Internship Requirements for Supervisors
CAPX supports on-site, remote and hybrid internships and invites you to host SAIC interns. Internships may be offered for the fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions.
Approved for-credit internships must meet the following criteria:
Interns cannot replace regular staff, but the internship should enrich learning, benefit students, and foster professional skill development and networking. It must equip students with transferable skills for future employment, focusing on meaningful projects tied to their academic coursework.
Supervision by a knowledgeable professional with expertise and relevant educational/professional background is mandatory. Regular feedback from this experienced supervisor should be an integral part of the internship experience.
Internship Site shall provide supervised work in a safe environment with necessary equipment, ensuring no discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex, disability, sexual preference, or national origin. It will maintain a harassment-free workplace, comply with all relevant laws including equal opportunity, minimum wage, and safety regulations.
Students are allowed to work within the hours specified in their Acknowledgement of Student Assignments provided by SAIC. For spring or fall semesters, the weekly limit is 35 hours, while during the summer semester, it's 40 hours. However, international students with F-1 visa status can work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the fall or spring semester.
Internship site supervisors will submit a document outlining learning outcomes and internship expectations within the first two weeks of the internship.
An Internship Agreement Form, signed by both the student and the internship site supervisor which outlines learning outcomes and internship expectations must be submitted during the first two weeks of the internship.
SAIC recommends that for-profit companies offer paid internships. In order to be considered paid, an hourly rate of at least $15.80 per hour must be provided.
International students must be enrolled in a for-credit internship and complete CPT paperwork prior to beginning any internship, whether remote or on-site, paid or unpaid.