
Metropolis covered Studio Gang’s installation Stone Stories, helmed by Jeanne Gang (HON 2013) for the upcoming Venice Architecture Biennale’s US Pavilion exhibition Dimensions of Citizenship. It will be installed in the William Adams Delano and Chester Holmes Aldrich’s neoclassical pavilion in the Giardini della Biennale. Gang's installation, which includes a video component by architectural filmographers Spirit of Space, delves into how “infrastructural seeds that grew into great metropolises were sown by slavery.” 


In 2018, AIADO continued to make its mark on Chicago and the world. From our graduate Thesis exhibition in Chicago, to our students shows in Milan, New York, and Venice; to the US Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale, our students, faculty and alumni are defining discourse and driving new and vital questions with their work. AIADO courses, programs, and exhibitions are leading SAIC’s mission to educate “citizen artists and designers".