The Critical Artifacts seminar-studio allows for serious play, experimentation and for the deliberate entanglement of theory and practice. We are not looking for solutions, but rather for sophisticated tools in the translation and communication of concerns. We encourage a pluralistic research method where empirical knowledge, deep research, biopic investigations and speculative explorations are all equally valued.
India is home to some of the oldest, deepest and most sophisticated forms of urbanity. With nearly eight centuries of Islamic political supremacy in India, from the tenth century to the pre-Colonial era, notions of the Islamic city have been superimposed on the Hindu model.
Fashion designer and SAIC alum Gary Graham (BFA 1992) debuts new designs inspired by historical textiles and goth culture.
SAIC faculty and alums receive $25,000 cash grants to support their work thanks to Chicago-based nonprofit and grant making organization, 3Arts.
Two SAIC alums are included on the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) 2018 Design Graduates.
Art helps unite, repair, and heal from acts of violence and hate
Activist and SAIC alum Tania Bruguera's (MFA 2001, HON 2016) latest installation of her exhibition, 10,143,210, tackles government censorship and the campaign to release photographer Shahidul Alam from prison.