Exterior shot of the entrance to SAIC's MacLean Center.

Staff Resources


Exterior shot of the SAIC 280 Building.

Campus Safety

SAIC's Campus Security department is dedicated to protecting the learning environment of each student and responding quickly and responsibly to any situation that may jeopardize their well-being. Campus Security is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Contact: 24-Hour Campus Security Emergency: 312.899.1230; saicsecurity@saic.edu

Interior shot of students gathered around the lounge outside CAPX offices.

Nondiscrimination & Title IX

The Art Institute of Chicago, including both the School and the museum, is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for its students, visitors, faculty, and staff, and to ensuring that educational and employment decisions are based on an individual’s abilities and qualifications. The Art Institute of Chicago does not tolerate unlawful discrimination based on race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, military or former military status, or any other status protected by federal, state or local law, in its programs and activities, public accommodations or employment practices. Contact: 312.499.4165; Title9@saic.edu.

Some students working on their computers in a classroom.


Computer Resources and Information Technologies (CRIT) provides technology and training resources to the SAIC community and ensures that students, faculty, and staff have ready access to technology relevant to their fields of study, art practice, and professional duties. Contact: 312.345.3535; crithelpdesk@saic.edu.

Interior shot of the SAIC Sharp Building.


Instructional Resources & Facilities Management (IRFM) manages the facilities, building design projects, instructional shops, and sustainability department at SAIC. Contact: irfm@saic.edu.

View of Chicago from the Modern Wing through rainbow color glass

Human Resources

Human Resources supports staff at the School and museum. Contact HR for information on benefits, talent acquisition, employee relations, and more. Contact: 312.629.9420; ask_hr@saic.edu.