Space & Event Reservation System
Space and Event Reservation System
Use 25Live, SAIC’s system for requesting events and reserving spaces. Whether you’re having a screening, lecture, dance, or you just need space for a meeting, start the process with 25Live:
- Complete a form describing the event (or meeting) details
- Locate a space and see availability
- View details, such as installed equipment, photos, and capacity for each
space - Update, cancel, or make new event requests
- Receive email notifications as your request moves through a review
25Live event data feeds our website’s event calendars. This ensures the display of our event information is up to date. 25Live will help the School use our spaces more effectively and add transparency as to how we use all of our spaces. With better usage data, we can understand what kinds of spaces we need and build to suit.
Spaces that can be requested are generally assignable classrooms and event spaces (see Which rooms are available? below). These are the types of rooms used by Liberal Arts and Art History classes. They are suitable for meetings, presentations, training, and other clean-use purposes. They are not for painting, sculpting, or other messy making processes.
Contact the CRIT Help Desk (312.345.3535) for assistance with login.
What is SAIC’s Event and Space Request System?
25Live is SAIC’s system for collecting event information and scheduling a room. Complete an online form with the event name, date and time, event type, description, sponsoring department, event contact information, expected audience size, etc, and schedule a space or a Zoom webinar. 25Live helps you find an available space by matching event details, such as expected audience size, with space details, such as capacity.
Why are we using it?
SAIC wants to "free the space." By using a request system, everyone in the SAIC community can make requests for events and classrooms and other spaces when classes aren’t taking place. With all event data in one system, we can simplify the process and feed event data to web calendars of events and other display points.
How do I access the Event and Space Request System?
Click the pink login link at the top of this page or login here. 25Live is available to students, faculty, and museum and school staff and can be accessed from anywhere. Use your SAIC email username and password to login.
Which rooms are available?
Generally assignable classrooms and event spaces like the Ballroom, Sharp 327, 280 Pit, and Neiman Center spaces are available. Zoom webinars are also available as spaces. Labs, shops, and studios aren’t reservable as non-class time is retained for students to complete work. Spaces with classes scheduled have class time blocked so that they can be scheduled outside of class time. You can search for space by the room number, building, room category or features. Click the room number link to see a description of room features, capacity, photos and a schedule of availability.
How do I make a reservation?
The Space and Event Reservation System User Guide explains how to fill out the event request form, search for spaces, star your favorites, and choose a space. Depending on your role (student, faculty, or staff), some rooms are automatic approval (reservation) while other spaces require review then approval (request). All event requests are reviewed by the event's sponsoring department.
I just want a room. Do I really have to fill out an event form?
Yes. Even if you want a room for something that isn’t an event, like a student group meeting, you still fill out the event request form so you can schedule a room. For the event title and description, just state that its a meeting and give the group name or purpose of the meeting. Ie, Student Union meeting. Choose Meeting for the Event Type.
Can my reservation get bumped or canceled?
Yes. Classes are a priority. If a class moves to a different room and your room reservation is in the way, your room will be bumped from your event. However, your event will remain. You’ll get an email telling you what happened. You must login to 25Live, go to your event, and find a new room. TIP: If you wait until after Add/Drop, your reservation has a smaller chance of getting bumped. But that’s not a guarantee.
What can I use classrooms for?
Generally assignable classrooms can be used for meetings, interviews, training, presentations, etc. These are clean spaces that house Liberal Arts and Art History classes and cannot be used for wet or otherwise messy purposes. Food and beverages are allowed. However, if you plan to feed a large group, please enter a Housekeeping ticket in 360Facility to help clean up the room when you are done. If you do not enter a 360Facility ticket, we assume you will clean up and move tables and chairs back into their original configuration. Email saic-roomreserv@saic.edu with questions or for help using 25Live.
Organizing Off-Campus Exhibitions and Programs
On occasion SAIC faculty and student groups self-organize programs and exhibitions of student work in off-campus spaces, SAIC requires that such projects follow specific guidelines for approval. Please see the SAIC policy guidelines and checklist. Use 25Live to submit an event request.