A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Black and white photo of a smiling Yoonshin Park. She has shoulder length hair and glasses on top of her head.

Yoonshin Park



Yoonshin Park is a multimedia artist, curator, and educator working with sculptural papers, artist books, and installations. She received her M.A. and M.F.A. in Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts from Columbia College Chicago. Park's practice is deeply rooted in her fascination with the comprehensive process of papermaking and bookbinding, allowing her to create cohesive objects that seamlessly integrate diverse elements.

Park draws inspiration from her journey as a foreign transplant from Seoul, Korea, using her experiences to explore the concept of space and its profound influence on shaping individual identity.

Park is a 2023-24 HATCH resident at Chicago Artists Coalition and an alumna of the Center Program at Hyde Park Art Center. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and reviewed by TimeOut Chicago and Sculpture Magazine. Park is represented by the Zolla/Lieberman Gallery in Chicago.


Title Department Catalog Term


This studio course focuses on themes, practices, contexts, and questions undertaken by contemporary artists and designers. Research Studio I is a course that asks students to begin to develop and connect their own work and ideas with a diverse range of artists, designers, and communities. This course engages with cultural institutions including: museums, galleries, libraries and archives as resources of critical engagement. Students will undertake various types of research activities: a) collecting and classification, b) mapping and diagramming, c) systems of measurement, d) social interaction, e) information search systems, f) recording and representation, and g) drawing and other notational systems. Assignments in this course are faculty directed, open-media, interdisciplinary and idea based. The projects are designed to help students recognize their work habits, biases, strengths, and weaknesses. Students will experience a wide range of research methods and making strategies. Critique as an evaluative process used in art and design schools, is a focus in this course. Various methods and models of critique are used in order to give students the tools to discuss their own work and the work of others.

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In this interdisciplinary research course, the class will focus on the exploration of interwoven relationships among randomness, chance, and creativity. We will delve into experimentation that involves planned and intuitive decision-making processes and question the hidden forces that often come out as motivation and inspiration that shape artists' work. What factors make some accidental decisions successful, and what information can be drawn from intended plans? With collected qualitative data, we will uncover the concerns that drive artistic practices and how serendipity can play a pivotal role in shaping one's creative path. Artists/Works/Screening/Reading/Content Area Examples: ''An Anecdoted Topography of Chance,'' a book by Daniel Spoerri that intersects storytelling and visual art, will serve as a starting point to explore the concept of randomness in art and life. We'll explore the writings of John Cage, whose compositions often incorporate elements of randomness, as well as the works of visual artists like Jean Arp and Max Ernst. Our readings will encompass not only ''An Anecdoted Topography of Chance'' but also foundational texts on Dadaism and Surrealism. Through screenings and discussions, we will use films such as ''The Artist is Present'' and collections of sounds and movements as supplemental research materials. Assignments/Projects: Assignments in this course will include weekly reflections on chance encounters and decision-making, two bodies of work for mid-term and final, and a group project.

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