A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
A silhouette of a person against a blue background.

Yeohyun Ahn



MFA, 2001, Ewha Womans University, South Korea; MFA, 2007, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore. Books: Data-Driven Graphic Design; TYPE on Screen; Graphic Design: the New Basics, TYPE+ CODE Processing for Designers. Publications: Leonardo; New York Times Magazine; PRINT; Letter Art Review. Exhibitions: Dordt College, ARC Gallery; iSpace Gallery; New York Times Gallery; Contemporary Gallery in Baltimore; Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan; Ewha Art Gallery, South Korea; the Rhizome ArtBase. Conferences: 2018 CAA, 2016 ISEA, 2015 IDEAs, 2013 IEEE Visualization, Bridges, Massaging Media 2: TYPE + CODE; School of Thoughts III: The Power of Processing. Awards: The Juror's Choice Award at IDEAs, 3rd Prize at Art + Science, national juried exhibition at Indiana University East, Honorable Mention in the National Juried Exhibition: Digital Works; Design Incubation Fellowship; Graduate Fellowship; Korean Honor Scholarship; Asian Digital Art Awards; International Communication Design Competition. Bibliography: the Creator's Project; Designboom.com; Rhizome.org; Fastcodesign.com; Designtaxi.com.



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