A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

William Walton

Senior Lecturer


Senior Lecturer Accessory Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (1998); Education: BFA, The Theatre School at Depaul (1984); BFA, International Academy of Merchandising and Design (1986); Designer/CEO: PriceWaltonCoutureLab; Chair: DesignArts, National YoungArts Foundation, Miami; USA Brand Ambassador: Daelmans Stroopwafels, NL; Exhibitions: Chicago History Museum, HydePark Art Center, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC; Awards: Marshall Field's Distinction in Design(2001), FashioNEXT(2010), Fashion Group International(2006), SAICDesignNexus Team-Teaching(2013); Media: Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times, Chicago Social, Coeval Magazine, Family Circle, TrilliumTV, BigTeethProductions, "Check,Please!" WTTW Chicago, MasterChef USA, FOXTV.

Personal Statement

Tommy Walton's work is dedicated to exploring the boundaries and intersections of Fashion Design, Brand Identity, and Culinary Art, with a focus on providing the ultimate interdisciplinary artistic experience outside of the parameters of design tradition. Tommy endeavors to deliver a multi-faceted approach to learning via his special brand of "Edu-tainment".


Title Department Catalog Term


In this workshop, students create various accessories from original ideas. This program is divided into projects such as the design and construction of embellished evening bags, summer totes, gloves, costume jewelry, and millinery. Emphasis is placed on references to history of individual accessories and developing collections of illustrations in color.

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In this workshop, students create various accessories from original ideas. This program is divided into projects such as the design and construction of embellished evening bags, summer totes, gloves, costume jewelry, and millinery. Emphasis is placed on references to history of individual accessories and developing collections of illustrations in color.

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The Whatnot Studio is a progressive educational platform in the Designed Objects department at SAIC that is focused on creative inquiry and iteration. This year-long course enables students to hone their voice as individual designers while working as a team to execute a thematic collection of highly refined and relevant work for public exhibition. The Whatnot Studio has exhibited work at the Salone del Mobile in Milan, Italy and at Wanted Design in New York City. Select mid- and upper level undergraduate and graduate students are admitted to this course via portfolio review.

Readings, recordings, screenings, and field trips vary annually depending on the course theme.

Students should expect to produce one exhibition quality object and should also expect to work as part of a team to develop exhibition design and promotional materials.

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