Veronica Bohanan
Lecturer (2021 - ) Art Therapy and Counseling Department, SAIC. Education: MFAW, 2015, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; MAAT, 2013, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; MA, 1999, Social Foundations of Education, University of Iowa. BA, 1997, Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Iowa. Youth Work: Social Work Advanced Certificate, 2017, Harold Washington College of Chicago. Credentials: Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist. Publications: (Contributing poet) 2020: The Year That Change America Anthology; Home Girls Make Some Noise: Hip Hop Feminist Anthology, Check the Rhyme: An Anthology of Female Poets and Emcees; (Authored) OM: My Sistagyrl Lotus: A Book of Poertry & Prose Stage Productions/Playwright: (Authored) Standin’n Tha Gap; (Co-authored) Love Does Not Hurt; Don't Call Me Sassy; Brotha, Wassup Sun?; Aqua Beats and Moon Verses; Jus Say Nommo Sketch Comedy Show; NoMmo Remote Control Sketch Comedy Show. Exhibitions: (Group Exhibitions) ”Art Therapy in Black," Rumble Arts; "Blak Thot: unapologetically blaq. unignored blac.," Art of Connection, Sullivan Gallery; "Down There," Wandering Uterus Project; "Lammas: Superhero Negress," City Colleges of Chicago 5th Annual City-wide Student Art Travelling Exhibition.