Terri Griffith
Associate Professor, Adjunct
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts (2002). BA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing, 1990, Fairhaven College, WA; MFA in Writing, 2002, SAIC. Books: We Will Think This Through Together: Conversations on Art & Practice (2018); Say It While You Still Mean It: Conversations on Socially Engaged Art (2017); The Essential New Art Examiner (2011); and the novel So Much Better (2010). Recent Publications: “Poor Sue: 1950s Aspirational Femininity in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room” in From Essentialism to Choice: American Cultural Identities in Their Literary Representations (2018) and “Gracie Allen for President!” (2016), both with Nicholas Alexander Hayes.
Current Interests
My current research and writing centers on media constructions of race and gender in the Miss Rheingold advertising campaign.