Surveying the Shadows |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
2014 (001) |
Fall 2024 |
Since the Exposition des arts incoherents in 1882, the orthodox story of art has been pre-figured, parodied, or echoed by ideas and activities which are less well-known but nevertheless informative about the state of the arts through modernism to today. Including Hydropaths, `pataphysicians and members of groups called Lettrisme or Neoism, propagating ideas ranging from transmental to pandrogenic, this course identifies and contextualizes some of the salient adventures of those who ignore convention to create and play before the vanguard and behind the canon.
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Artists' Books & Related Phenomena |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
3524 (001) |
Summer 2025 |
Since the early 1960s, artists have increasingly experimented with alternative methods of disseminating their ideas, using books or records, occasionally collaborating in periodicals, and other uncategorized projects. Students investigate the increasing acceptability of such activities and discuss a broad variety of publishing, from guerrilla fly-posting through mail-art magazines to the exhibition-in-a-book, including the unconventional artists' bookwork. Examining both well-known examples and obscure occurrences, the course attempts to place alternative art publishing in a contemporary context.
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Seminar:Manifestations- Public or Private |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
3805 (001) |
Fall 2024 |
What is the value of a manifesto? This course examines the difference between published proclamations by artists and the work they produce. Using contemporary and current criticism, the course will scrutinize, compare, and contrast a limited number of texts, objects, and activities within and since the Modern era. Students will not only learn more of the perceived-or misperceived-aims of given artists or movements, they will also learn more about the continuing conversation between theory and practice.
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Happening, Events, Theatre of Chance |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
4334 (001) |
Spring 2025 |
From the 1950s to the 1980s the visual and lively arts were open to experiment. Painting and sculpture, poetry, dance, and theatre became indistinguishable at their margins, and performance art gained acceptance as a discipline. Lectures use primary documents and contemporary criticism from this rich formative period to better understand the present situation of live art. Research proceeds via reading, rehearsal, or re-embodiment of selected scores and scripts, to analysis and assessment of them as historical, interdisciplinary artworks. Pieces considered range from absurdist drama via visceral vaudeville to the monomorphic event..
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Artists, publication |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
5522 (001) |
Spring 2025 |
Books, magazines, and multiples have long been part of the fabric of the art world and are therefore useful avenues of historic enquiry. This seminar focuses on publications made by or in the interests of artists, and examines the various strategies they employ. From Aspen to Vile, from Baldessari to Shrigley, from dada to duda, many kinds of artists have disseminated their ideas in a variety of published forms. Using the proliferation of artists? publications from recent decades that are available in local collections, students will study a range of primary sources, be exposed to a general history, and conduct individual research in particular areas of art in publication.
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Fluxus |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
5612 (001) |
Fall 2024 |
This course aims to give a thorough grounding in a phenomenon, which has been called 'the most radical and experimental art movement of the sixties.' In this seminar, students investigate the politics, theory, aesthetics, and practice of Fluxists, whose activities deliberately confused the borders between painting, poetry, music, sculpture, and life. Their work raises problems which echo dada and agitprop, while prefiguring punk and, arguably, postmodernism.
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Thesis Tutorial II |
Art History, Theory, and Criticism |
6999 (012) |
Spring 2025 |
This independent study program for Master of Arts in Modern Art History, Theory, and Criticism candidates is taken in the final term of coursework.
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