A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
A silhouette of a person against a blue background.

Saumitra Shrikant Chandratreya

Full-Time Visiting Artist


Title Department Catalog Term


This is an introductory look into fashion. Students will explore basic design skills and processes, and work with various materials used in constructing garments. Both traditional and non-traditional materials will be explored through techniques and exercises related to the body. Students will learn how the tools and equipment for hand and machine sewing functions, and its role in constructing garments. A critical overview of fashion introduces students to various practical and theoretical approaches to understand and explore fashion within an art context.

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This is an introductory look into fashion. Students will explore basic design skills and processes, and work with various materials used in constructing garments. Both traditional and non-traditional materials will be explored through techniques and exercises related to the body. Students will learn how the tools and equipment for hand and machine sewing functions, and its role in constructing garments. A critical overview of fashion introduces students to various practical and theoretical approaches to understand and explore fashion within an art context.

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This is an introductory look into fashion. Students will explore basic design skills and processes, and work with various materials used in constructing garments. Both traditional and non-traditional materials will be explored through techniques and exercises related to the body. Students will learn how the tools and equipment for hand and machine sewing functions, and its role in constructing garments. A critical overview of fashion introduces students to various practical and theoretical approaches to understand and explore fashion within an art context.

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This course offers foundational methods of draping, pattern drafting, and construction techniques to build garments. The students learn how to develop a set of slopers, consisting of bodice, sleeve and skirt, combining and integrating draping and pattern drafting methods. Through these methods, the students develop and construct design concepts, first in muslin, then in fabric; stressing the importance of proper fit and craftsmanship. No pre-req.

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This course explores an unconventional view of garment construction and design by framing the process through the parameter of zero waste. Patterns are created using techniques designed to mitigate or eliminate waste. Both traditional and nontraditional materials are used, as well as digital printing technology. All final projects are fitted on a model in both muslin and fabric.

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Through studio visits, and visiting artists lectures students are examining venues through which artists and designers 'are getting the word out'. Students translate and expand their personal design vision by developing critical written materials to create a context for positioning their work. This analysis is directly related to, and in support of, their current studio practice; it references their journals, sources, and visuals, and will become an additional layer, and integral part of the final presentation.

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