A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
A white silhouette of a person against a light blue background.

Robert Kiely

Assistant Professor, Adjunct



Rob Kiely has been teaching at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for 29 years. He offers courses in the history of ideas, the history of philosophy, and the history of science, and his classes emphasize interdisciplinary thinking and cultural comparison. He is particularly interested in the complex relationships between views of nature and views of the supernatural; he also explores the historical link between definitions of knowledge and sources of power.

Rob did his graduate work at Northwestern University; his research explored theories of biological generation and reproduction in late 17th century England. He began teaching at the Art Institute while he was still in graduate school, and he has offered a variety of courses over the years. He has recently completed a book on the history of mathematics in world cultures. His next project will explore attitudes towards nature from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period.



Title Department Catalog Term


The First Year Seminar Program at SAIC gives students the opportunity to develop their analytical writing skills while studying compelling subject matter. Consequently, this course plays two roles. First and foremost, it serves as a writing studio, a forum in which students develop their capacity to construct effective written arguments. The course also explores contemporary world events in detail; the analysis of this material provides the grist for student writing in the course. Modern technology allows for the nearly instantaneous distribution of news and images around the world. As a result, people in the twenty-first century are bombarded with information about contemporary events. However, much of this information has a superficial character: a dizzying array of media, ever concerned with viewership, stresses drama and controversy over context and complexity. Further, the treatment of events often reflects the agenda of the medium providing that treatment. In this course, we will look at global issues in depth, with particular attention to historical context. We will also seek multiple perspectives as we wrestle with the intricacies of diplomacy and war; commerce and culture. Specific topics of study will proceed from what is happening in the world, and students will be required to explore a variety of different news sources as the basis for their writing. Written assignments will include 15-20 pages of formal work, including weekly journal entries and three short papers.

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The First Year Seminar program at SAIC gives students the opportunity to develop their analytical writing skills while studying compelling subject matter. Consequently, this course plays two roles. First and foremost, it serves as a writing studio, a forum in which students can develop their prose style and their ability to construct effective written arguments. The course also explores the relationship between artistic expression and the ideologies that characterize a given culture. Artists live in a specific cultural context. Their works reflect the influence of the dominant ideas of that culture, and often serve as a conscious commentary on those ideas. In this course, we will examine the impact of ideology upon art in a variety of world cultures, with an emphasis on cultural comparison.

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The story of European philosophy in the Middle Ages is one of loss and recovery. A great deal of classical thought was lost when the Roman Empire crumbled, and those ideas were reintroduced and reconciled to European culture in a series of intellectual events spanning a thousand years. In this course, we trace the course of this process, from the monastic culture of the Early Middle Ages, to the Aristotelian world of the High Medieval universities, to the classical resurgence of the Italian renaissance. We explore a wide variety of written material. Augustine of Hippo and Boethius illustrate the period immediately after the fall of Rome, while Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd demonstrate the crucial role played by Arab philosophy after the 9th century. Hildegard of Bingen and Peter Abelard embody the energy of European thought in the 12th century, and the scholastic synthesis of Thomas Aquinas represents the culmination of that intellectual energy. Finally, the work of Christine de Pisan and Pico della Mirandola manifest the Humanist character of the Otalian Renaissance. Assignments vary, but they might include some or many of the following: weekly reading responses, quizzes, papers, and exams.

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In the first scene of Marlowe?s Dr. Faustus, the main character systematically dismisses the foundations of medieval European thought. The play represents the profound skepticism of the late Renaissance, a skepticism that takes formal philosophical form in the thought of Rene Descartes. Over the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a new intellectual orthodoxy arose in Europe, one that continues to influence global thought and culture to this day. In this course, we encounter the varied approaches to truth, self, nature, and power that combined, sometimes dramatically, to produce this new modern worldview. The course closely examines the work of some of the seventeenth and eighteenth century European philosophers: Rene Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, Anne Conway, John Locke, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant, to name a few. However, the course places their work in its cultural context by exploring the religious, scientific, and political thought of the period, as well as literature and the visual arts. Assignments vary, but they might include some or many of the following: weekly reading responses, quizzes, papers, and exams.

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