A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Rebecca Keller

Professor, Adjunct


Role: Professor, Adj. Sculpture, Art Education, Art History, Theory, and Criticism (1994). 

Education: BFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design; MFA: Northern Illinois University. 

Exhibitions: Evanston Art Center; Skopelos Foundation for the Arts; MCA, Chicago; Chesterwood, MA; Portland Art Museum, OR; Hull House, Chicago; WaldKunst Biennial, Germany; Galerie IMZ, Germany; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago; Tartu Art Museum, Estonia. 

Publications: What is Revolutionary Art Today?, Block Gallery, Northwestern University; Excavating History, Stepsister Press; Uncovering Stories: Site-complicit Art, The Socially Purposeful Museum, Leicester University; essays for the Frans Hals Museum, Netherlands; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Travelers, Tale-telling, Truth, and Time/Art and Public History, Rowman and Littlefield.. 

Bibliography: "The Way of the Shovel: Art as Archeology"; Sculpture Magazine; Bad at Sports; MutualArt; Hyperallergic. 

Books: Excavating History/Stepsister Press You Should Have Known (novel) Crooked Lane Books. 

Awards: Fulbright Artist, American Association of Museums; National Endowment for the Arts; Illinois Arts Council, President's Urban Initiative. 


Title Department Catalog Term


This course is an introduction to the materials, methods, and concepts of sculpture. We will investigate making in relation to material, time and space. We will consider aspects of sculpture such as meaning, scale, process, social engagement, ephemera and site; and explore the formal properties and expressive potential of materials including mold making and casting, wood, metal and experimental media. We will combine the use of materials and methods with ideas that reflect the history of contemporary sculpture. Demonstrations and authorizations will provide students with experience and technical proficiency in sculptural production while readings and slide lectures venture into the critical discourses of sculpture.

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This advanced, interdisciplinary course provides a generative space for developing and understanding creative projects through the discourse of the field of Sculpture. Students in this course come together from various departments to enrich the content of their work through critique and conversation with Sculpture faculty and other advanced level students from across the school. Weekly readings inform the development of self-directed creative projects which form the basis for discussion and may form the basis for a thesis body of work.

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This course addresses the complexities of teaching a studio art or seminar course at the college level. Various teaching approaches and structures will be explored including leading discussions about ideas and art, conducting critiques, working with diverse groups and individuals, instructional design (curriculum, syllabus, project assignments, etc.) and demonstrating and presenting ideas and materials. We will examine issues related to arts assessment for individuals and for institutions. We will consider evolving conceptions of teaching in different higher education contexts?art schools, liberal arts colleges, community colleges, and research universities. Gain practical knowledge about teaching strategies. Develop your own teaching philosophy, portfolio and curriculum examples. Assemble a 'tool kit' to build your teaching career.

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This independent study requirement for candidates for the MAAE (Master of Arts in Art Education) or for the MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) follows either the MAAE course ARTED 6109--Art Education: Thesis I: Research Methodology or the MAT course ARTED 5290--Graduate Art Education Thesis: Research as Social Inquiry. Students produce a thesis that demonstrates a student?s ability to design, justify, execute, and present the results of original research or of a substantial action research project. Students work closely with an assigned thesis advisor, in addition to participating in supporting workshops, presenting at the annual symposium, and defending the work at a final defense panel.

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