A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Patrick Durgin

Associate Professor, Adjunct


Associate Professor, Adj. BA, 2000, University of Iowa; MA, 2003, PhD, 2004, State University of New York at Buffalo. Publications: Nightboat Books, 2026; "from Exegeses." (Bathhouse Journal, 2024); “from Tournament.” (Big Other, 2022); “from Tournament.” (Blackbox Manifold, 2022); French Unpublished Poems & Facsimile 1958–1960 (Letra Muerta, 2022); The Canary #7 (2021); “from Case Comparison.” (Chicago Review, 2020). “Hannah Weiner’s Transversal Poetics: Collaboration, Clairvoyance, and Disability.” The Matter of Disability (University of Michigan Press, 2019); “Interference” performance text. Emergency Index (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2017); “Art Words” roundtable with James Elkins et. al. School of the Art Institute Summer Theory Institute/VCS publication (2017); “Imitation Demise.” Institutional Garbage exhibition catalog, Sector 2337 and Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago (2016); “Stupendous Lore.” A Forest on Many Stems: Essays on the Poets Novel (Nightboat Books, 2020); Zenith (Green Lantern Press, 2016);  “Disaster and Revival.” Jacket2 “Global Conceptualisms” dossier (2015); Rpt. Aerial 11: Contemporary Poetics as Critical Theory (2015); "Witness." Jacket2 Commentaries (2014); “Prelude to PQRS.” The Volta 39 (2014); “Big Sensible: Introductory Remarks on Clairvoyant Journal.” Jacket2 and f-u-t-u-r-e.org (2014); Singles (2014); Daughter (2013); “Lyn Hejinian: Intention, Selection, and Fantastic Philosophy.” Something on Paper (Naropa University, 2013); PQRS (Kenning Editions, 2012); “New Life Writing.” Jacket2 (2012); Review of Adorno’s Noise, by Carla Harryman. (Postmodern Culture, 2010); “Post-Language Poetries as Post-Ableist Poetics.” Journal of Modern Literature (2009). The Route (Atelos, 2008); Imitation Poems (Atticus / Finch, 2007); Sorter (Duration Press, 2001); The Matter of Disability; Chicago Review; Contemporary Women's Writing; Cross-Cultural Poetics; Denver Quarterly; Disability Studies Quarterly; Jacket2; Journal of Modern Literature; Postmodern Culture, Emergency Index, and others. Editor: Hannah Weiner's Open House. Exhibitions:  Artaud in Amerika (Radio Play) (Festival of Poets Theater, Chicago 2017); Institutional Garbage (Chicago, 2016); Recent Acquisitions, (Textsound 2016); Pulse Art and Technology Festival, "Gesture to Exit" (Non Fiction Gallery, Savannah, GA, 2015); Interference (Poets Theater Festival, Chicago 2015). Readings: EXC Librarie, Paris (2024); General Readings, Chicago (2023); Maison de la poesie, Paris (2022);  Seminary Co-op at University of Chicago (2020); Wolfman Books (Oakland, 2019); Poetic Research Bureau (Los Angeles, 2019); Poetry Foundation, Open Door Series (Chicago, 2020) and Arts Club of Chicago and Renaissance Society, “An Adventure Was Home: Gertrude Stein in Chicago” event (Chicago, 2015); Poetic Research Bureau (Los Angeles, 2013); Red Rover Series (Chicago, 2011); Felix Series (Madison, WI 2011); Series A (Chicago, 2010); Danny’s Series (Chicago, 2010); Segue Series (New York, 2009); Poetry Project (New York, 2008); Myopic Books (Chicago, 2008); Woodland Pattern (Milwaukee, 2008); The Route/Imitation Poems readings at Kootenay School of Writing in Vancouver, The Spare Room in Portland, Emergent Forms series in Ashland, San Francisco Poetry Center, UC Santa Cruz, and The Smell in Los Angeles (2007); MLA Off-Site Reading (Arts Alliance, Philadelphia, 2006; D.C. Four Seasons, 2005; Highwire Gallery, Philadelphia, 2004); Discrete Series (Chicago, 2005); Carl Rakosi 100th Birthday Celebration at Beyond Baroque (Los Angeles, 2003); Geary Street series (San Francisco, 2003); New Brutalism series (Oakland, 2003); In Your Ear series (Washington DC, 2002); Rust Talks series (Buffalo, 2002), Canessa Park series (San Francisco, 2000); Words of Light series (Chicago/Iowa City, 1999).

Personal Statement

I regularly teach an introduction to the work of Gilles Deleuze and a series of courses on language as artistic medium. I also teach literature and poetics courses. My pedagogy is balanced between free-associative discussion and lecture, in addition to research and recursive writing. I have great admiration for my students who possess a capacity for risk and deliberation, a difficult combination to sustain.
I have taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago since 2007. I teach in the Visual and Critical Studies, Liberal Arts, Art History, Writing, and Arts Administration and Policy programs. I am a poet and critic, translator, editor and small press publisher, book artist and performance curator, and I occasionally make sound and text-sound work. My teaching focuses on visual culture, poetics, post-structuralist and contemporary critical theory, philosophy, art history, disability studies, Civil Rights and Black Power movement “protest literature”—especially the work of Richard Wright and James Baldwin—and visual prosody—especially as it intersects with Conceptual Art and Conceptual Writing in the 20th and 21st centuries.

I have taught in the Writing Program at SAIC, the MFA Program in the School of Art and Art History at the University of Illinois, Chicago, the English Language & Literature Department of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, The Liberal Arts Program at the University of St. Catherine, Minneapolis, and the English Department of SUNY, Buffalo. I was founding publisher and editor of Kenning Editions from 1998 to 2024, and from 2015 to 2017, I co-curated the Festival of Poets Theater in Chicago.


Title Department Catalog Term


If a society?s order of reasons disempowers its citizens, why not weaponize the irrational? This was the premise of various, systemic reactions against the ?ego? in the midlate 20th century. In Europe, the United States, and former colonies, some of this activity can be read as an extension of the historical avant garde?s investigation of altered states of consciousness and ?madness.? The neo-avant garde sometimes used the tools of rational science to deconstruct its premises, reconstruct the real, and promote a more demotic culture. This course takes an international approach and samples practices and discourses of Dadaism, Surrealism, free jazz, performance and conceptual art, dance, film, ?relational aesthetics,? and experimental poetics. We will place a special emphasis on the way indeterminacy claims to ameliorate conflicts between political commitment and aesthetic quality.

Expect to encounter works by Francis Alys, Anthony Braxton, John Cage, Aime Cesaire, Fischli & Weiss, Helio Oiticica, Huang Yong Ping, Jorge Macchi, Jackson MacLow, Gerhard Richter, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Hannah Weiner, and others.

Course work will vary but typically includes weekly written responses, moderate reading assignments, listening and viewing, avid participation in class discussions, one creative/curatorial project, one research presentation, and a final essay.

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These courses draw on the instructor's particular expertise and are pertinent to an understanding of the social influences on and consequences of the production and dissemination of visual images. Topics vary depending on the individual instructor. See topic description for further information.

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If a society?s order of reasons disempowers its citizens, why not weaponize the irrational? This was the premise of various, systemic reactions against the ?ego? in the midlate 20th century. In Europe, the United States, and former colonies, some of this activity can be read as an extension of the historical avant garde?s investigation of altered states of consciousness and ?madness.? The neo-avant garde sometimes used the tools of rational science to deconstruct its premises, reconstruct the real, and promote a more demotic culture. This course takes an international approach and samples practices and discourses of Dadaism, Surrealism, free jazz, performance and conceptual art, dance, film, ?relational aesthetics,? and experimental poetics. We will place a special emphasis on the way indeterminacy claims to ameliorate conflicts between political commitment and aesthetic quality.

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Poet of 'logical revolts,' of sexual freedom, inveterate modernist, Symbolist, and inspiration to beatniks, conceptual artists and punks, Arthur Rimbaud wrote some of the most enduring poems of world literature. His career lasted all of five years, between 1870-1875. This course immerses you in his poetry in verse and in prose, exposes you to some of the criticism surrounding his work, and examines how the figure of Rimbaud has been appropriated by late twentieth century visual and musical artists, particularly Patti Smith and David Wojnarowicz. Texts will include A Season in Hell, 'Letters from a Seer,' 'Drunken Boat,' and Kristin Ross's classic literary-critical study The Emergence of Social Space. Students will read daily, respond with short written responses and a final essay, as well as contribute to daily, vigorous, analytical class discussions.

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Mastering a body of literature in the context of its specific historical, sociological, and ideological period is emphasized. The period and works vary.

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This course offers an introduction to the thought of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995). Deleuze was one of the 20th century?s most influential critical theorists, almost single-handedly revising the reputation of Nietzsche in France, critiquing psychoanalysis in its postmodern heyday, and devising new approaches to ontology, leftist political theory, and literary and art theory. To this day, his concepts are frequently deployed in critical theory of all kinds, especially those concepts he developed in collaboration with activist and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari. Such concepts have even been accused of radical chic, and he remains a frequently cited but ?difficult? author to read. This course provides an introduction to the reading of Deleuze?s work. The goal of the course is to familiarize you with the contours of his career and acquaint you with his peculiar style of writing. It also acquaints you with a (very) few subsequent elaborations on Deleuzian thought. The course is structured into units corresponding to the core notions of becoming, encounter, schizoanalysis, and the rhizome. A fifth unit pursues Deleuze?s involvement with aesthetics and models some ways of applying Deleuzian thought.

Expect to read much of Deleuze's own writing, critical reflections on it by Thomas Hirschorn and Elizabeth Grosz, among others..., and then to write two substantial essays elaborating on this material, attempting to make it serve your own interests as artists, historians, etc.

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This course offers an introduction to the thought of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995). Deleuze was one of the 20th century?s most influential critical theorists: almost single-handedly revising the reputation of Nietzsche in France; critiquing psychoanalysis in its postmodern heyday; and devising new approaches to ontology, leftist political theory, and aesthetic theory. To this day, his concepts are frequently deployed in critical theory of all kinds, especially those concepts he developed in collaboration with activist and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari.

This course provides an introduction to the reading of Deleuze?s work. The goal of the course is to familiarize you with the contours of his career and acquaint you with his peculiar style of writing. It also acquaints you with a few subsequent elaborations on and critiques of Deleuzian thought. We read Deleuze's book on Francis Bacon's paintings, his book on Henri Bergson, and also excerpts from A Thousand Plateaus, Logic of Sense, and What is Philosophy? We also read critical responses and elaborations of Deleuzian thought.

Expect a steady, dense, and provocative reading schedule. Students complete a reading journal, a major term paper, and a collaborative presentation on intersections between contemporary art practice and Deleuze's philosophy.

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This course spans centuries but focuses on the thin line between looking and reading, imagining and writing. Considering the question, ?What is language?? leads us to readings in linguistics from art historical, literary-theoretical, philosophical, and ethnographic disciplines. We also pursue connections between ?seen words? in movements such as pop art, conceptual art, concrete poetry, language poetry, and conceptual writing by comparing works in various media that revolve around distinctions between speech, writing, the static and moving image. Notable authors and artists include Vito Acconci, Bob Brown, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Jacques Derrida, Carl Dryer, Paul Friedrich, Luce Irigaray, Roman Jakobson, Rene Magritte, Ed Ruscha, Sapir-Whorf, Hannah Weiner, Ludwig Wittgenstein and others.

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The thesis, as the final requirement to be fulfilled for the Masters of Art degree in Visual and Critical Studies, is expected to constitute an original contribution to the current body of research in its field. For the thesis, students are encouraged to use innovative approaches to research and analysis, and the formats with which they disseminate the outcomes of their research. The thesis requirement may be satisfied in a variety of ways incorporating visual, sonic, and verbal media. This seminar assists the student in selecting, researching, analyzing, designing, and, organizing the thesis. During this semester, the student selects her or his thesis advisor and two other faculty committee members and defends the proposal before this panel. The student also completes most of the research and the preliminary work for the thesis. This seminar is required for the Master of Arts in Visual and Critical Studies. Open to MAVCS students only.

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This independent study course is a continuation of Thesis I and is taken with the student's primary thesis advisor to facilitate completion of the thesis. Research and approval (by the advisor and the rest of the student's committee) of the thesis topic and approach should have been completed during Thesis I. Students work closely with a thesis advisor during this semester in addition to scheduling meetings with other faculty on his or her committee whose input may prove useful in their research. This course covers the final completion and submission of the master's thesis. It is required for the Master of Arts in Visual and Critical Studies.

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