A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Nan Stein



Educational Background: MS, Art Education/Spanish, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MEd, Educational Administration & Leadership, National Louis University-Chicago. Presentations: National Art Education Association, Field Museum Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago. Awards: Summer Scholar, National Endowment for the Humanities; Exemplary Status School, Arts Schools Network; Innovation Digital Promise, Verizon; Teacher/Leader, Mental Health America North Shore; Girl Up, Northwestern University. Exhibitions: Ice House Gallery, Evanston; College of Lake County, Grayslake; Oakton Community College, Des Plaines Community. Leadership: Evanston-Skokie School District 65; Evanston Arts Council; YEA! Festival Board, Evanston Environmental Association, Columbia College Project AIM Advisory Board.


Title Department Catalog Term


This course provides teacher candidates with opportunities to observe, analyze, teach, and evaluate in elementary and secondary settings. Teacher candidates build constructive relationships with K­12 students, faculty, staff, and community members at two fieldwork sites through guided observation engagement. They develop and teach curriculum projects and learn methods of non-punitive classroom management. This experience provides groundwork, connections, and continuity to apprentice teaching. Apprentice teachers will complete a 5-week elementary/middle school placement and a 5-week high school placement as well as attend a weekly apprentice teaching seminar at SAIC. Students will study examples of curriculum and pedagogy that cover all Illinois state mandated standards as defined by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE): NASAD Visual Arts Standards; Illinois Professional Teaching Standards; Social and Emotional Learning Standards; Literacy Standards. In the process, students will learn to create original art curriculum that encompasses these standards, and how to implement these standards in their pedagogical practice. The course includes observation/teaching days at elementary and secondary school placements, as well as weekly seminars at SAIC. During each of their two 5-week placements, students spend the school day at their respective assigned school placements before attending the evening seminar at SAIC. Time in seminars is spent developing and critiquing curriculum projects, exemplars (teacher project samples), instructional materials and assessment strategies in preparation for teaching in practicum placement schools, and later in apprentice teaching.

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The Apprentice Teaching course continues learning experiences begun during practicum placements in the fall semester. This course provides licensure candidates with experience investigating significant, contemporary concepts and themes within a contemporary art and design context in elementary and secondary Chicago-area schools. Apprentice teachers will complete a 7-week elementary/middle school placement and a 7-week high school placement as well as attend a weekly apprentice teaching seminar at SAIC. Apprentice Teachers will be challenged to maintain high ideals of creative, critical, and relevant curriculum as they engage the complex realities of public school teaching. Students will read a selection of texts that ground curricular theory within teaching practice. This will assist them in learning how to translate their curriculum development knowledge into pedagogy. Apprentice teachers will plan, teach, assess their students’ work, and evaluate the effectiveness of their lessons and teaching strategies. Apprentice Teachers will teach a culminating curriculum project, video-record their instruction of this project, and submit these videos along with written analysis to the nationally standardized, Illinois State Board of Education-mandated edTPA assessment.

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