A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Headshot of a white person standing outdoors and smiling

Mia T Tuccillo



Education: BA (2020) Biogeochemistry, Wellesley College.

Personal Statement

As a paleoclimatologist, I use Earth's natural archives to explore climate history and make predictions about future climate change. My work uses lake sediment core records from Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) spanning 10,000 years to explain the responses of ecosystems to environmental stressors. I am particularly interested in measuring pigments, colorful chemical compounds produced by algae and cyanobacteria, to assess the likelihood of future toxic "bloom" events that pose risks to water supplies in the Arctic.

My courses explore what makes modern climate change unique by studying the history of our planet at critical times of imbalance, abrupt change, or disaster. Understanding our future requires understanding our past— and the climate history of Earth is an epic saga!

My teaching philosophy prioritizes scientific literacy to help students realize the utility of science in their personal engagement with the communities around them. To me, the relationship between Western science and art, storytelling, historically undermined worldviews, and Indigenous knowledge systems is just as important as the science itself.


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