A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Melika Bass

Associate Professor


Education: BA, 1997, Earlham College. MFA, 2007, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibitions/Screenings: BAMcinemaFest, Brooklyn; International Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany (solo showcase); BFI London Film Festival; Torino Film Festival, Italy; Kino der Kunst, Munich; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (solo exhibition); Film Society of Lincoln Center, NY; Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit; LA Film Forum; CPH Dox Festival, Denmark. Awards: Artadia Award; Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Film; International Jury Special Mention Award, Oberhausen Film Festival; 3 Art Fellowships, Illinois Arts Council; Experimental Film Prize, Athens International Film Festival; 2021 United States Artist Nominee in Film.


Title Department Catalog Term


This is a Production Laboratory class for students interested in working with the ideas and techniques of directing performers for the camera. We will consider issues of scripting, pre-production, rehearsing, shooting, and editing performances. The course requires active participation in 3 roles -- as a director, performer, and camera operator -- as these constitute the primary collaborative relationships of a director. The main objective of this class is to get students to consider various methods of directing performers that both explore and elaborate on traditional theatrical schools of directing. Through hands-on experience, readings, critique and screenings, students will begin to carve out their own style of working.

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This course is for students who have a sustained interest in using video technology as part of their art making. Participants work on a project-oriented basis that include individual critiques, special class meetings, practicums, and equipment workshops. Students should be both self-directed and interested in developing a support system for producing each other's work.

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Taken every semester, the Graduate Projects courses allow students to focus in private sessions on the development of their work. Students register for 6 hours of Graduate Project credit in each semester of study.

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3 - 6