Lara Allison
Assistant Professor, Adjunct
Assistant Professor, Adjunct, Design History, SAIC (2014–present). Editor in chief, Chicago Art Deco Magazine (2017–present). Board member and chair of education, Chicago Design Archive (2023–present). Education: BA, 1994, Northern Illinois University, Philosophy and Art History, studied under Theodore Kisiel; Ph.D., 2009, Columbia University with primary field in Modern Architecture and secondary field in tradition based African Art. Awards: Research Fellowship, Department of African Art, Art Institute of Chicago (2013–2016). Publications: Jack Weiss, Artist, Designer, Photographer (2021); Into the City: A History of Chicago Art (2018); Chicago Art Deco: Designing Modern America (2019). Corporate Citizenship: Design, Advertising, Ideas and Selling Freedom During the Cold War (anticipated 2025); Blanche Gildin, Experiments in Art and Life, from the New Bauhaus to the Present (anticipated 2024).
Personal Statement
My research focuses on twentieth-century American design, particularly during the interwar and postwar periods. My current project centers on the corporate graphics of the Cold War and explores the intersection of European avant-garde design with American corporate communications and advertising. In addition to my extensive teaching history, I serve as the editor in chief of the Chicago Art Deco Magazine and contribute regularly as a writer. I am also the chair of education on the board of the Chicago Design Archive.
I teach undergraduate and graduate surveys of modern and contemporary design, a history of designed objects course, and a course on design during the interwar period (c. 1920–1940). In my teaching practice, I engage students in understanding historical discussions surrounding industry, politics, and art, and how these elements shape the concept of design and the role of the designer in society. I strive to create dynamic learning experiences by facilitating regular encounters with museum objects and organizing field trips beyond the immediate neighborhood of SAIC.