A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
A headshot of SAIC faculty member Jason Nebergall.

Jason Nebergall



B.A. Cinema, University of Iowa (2005); M.A. Humanities, University of Chicago (2015); Ph.D. Screen Cultures, Northwestern University (2024).

Personal Statement

Jason J. Nebergall explores the moving image in social contexts; cinema culture, fandoms, and screen-based activism are central to his historical work. His dissertation, "The Eyes of Tomorrow: A Cultural History of Chicago Television," explores local activist and experimental television history over the last century.


Title Department Catalog Term


This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the history of video art from its emergence in the late 1960s through our present moment. Students will examine key works and the major historical, cultural, and aesthetic influences on the form.

Class Number

