A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Jackey Cave




Education: Kansas City Art Institute. Corporate: CCO Jack Cave Inc.; Creative Directorships, Toyota Creative Lounge; Tupperware Corp.; ZAK Designs Inc.; Creative Strategist, Hallmark Cards. Collections: Jeffery Roberts Design, Grand Rapids; American Jazz Museum, Kansas City. Awards: IGWU—Ready-to-Wear Collection. Exhibitions: Jack Cave "PocketART" Hall's Crown Center 2016; Fashion Focus Chicago (2009, 2008, 2007); Gallery1028. Bibliography: ECHO magazine, (Columbia College 2014); Michigan Avenue Magazine, (2013); BOI Magazine, (2013); Kansas City Magazine; FRAME MAGAZINE, (Amsterdam2003); "Grand Stand—Concept, Design & Construction." (Frame Publishers, 2003).

Personal Statement

I am passionate about creativity in the commercial environment and intellectually stimulated by new developments in all areas of Fashion, Design, Interiors, Branding and Marketing, continually seeking to identify trends for commercial advantage.

As an artist I have always been fascinated by the exciting juxtapositions, color harmonies and aged patinas that the randomness of urban decay throws-up. I explore and harness photography, graphics, surface design, print and fabrics creating meaningful and relevant fashion collections. Breathing new life into the discarded and the mundane elevating them to the desirable.


Title Department Catalog Term


This advanced course focuses on the making of things through the use of drawing, garment, and sculpture and its use in lifestyle. Outings to a variety of alternative sites are the central part of this class, including thrift stores, warehouses, flea markets, and the rural surroundings. Students investigate the idea of 'Usefulness' as well as function, content, appropriate design, and audience. Emphasis is placed on challenging the narrative definition of 'The art of making things.'

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This graduate studio course focuses on materials, concepts, and fabrication processes for contemporary practices in fashion, body and garment. The course is organized into four themes: material knowledge, fabrication processes, collaboration and outsourcing, and context of fabrication. The course requires students to develop research methodologies, deepen material investigation and resolve challenges related to concept-base fabrication in contemporary art and design practices.

The course will be supplemented by readings from authors such as Samantha Parker, Kate Shepherd, Paula Owen and others on a variety of topics relevant to material and fabrication.

Project prompts will trigger investigation around material culture and fabrication processes. Strong emphasis will also be placed on form, function, and space: KNOWING where, what scale and how an object occupies space. Students will make, prototype and fabricate as hands-on means to develop advanced and innovative craft techniques.

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