A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Iymen Chehade



Iymen Chehade is a Lecturer of Middle Eastern history, with a specific focus on the Palestinian-Israeli impasse, at the Art Institute and Columbia College where he created the Palestinian-Israeli impasse course. He is active in the area of public policy and human rights regarding the Palestinian-Israeli issue. Professor Chehade is the adviser to the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at the Art Institute and Columbia College.  He is one of five committee members on the American Association of University Professors Committee A on Academic Freedom.


Title Department Catalog Term


This course offers a critical overview of the origins and politics of the Arab-Israeli conflict through the use of dual narratives. It examines the roots of Zionism and Palestinian nationalism, the deterioration of Jewish-Arab relations during the late Ottoman and Mandate periods, the role of Arab states, the establishment of the state of Israel and subsequent dispersion of Palestinians, the Arab-Israeli wars, the Intifadas, and the possibility of a negotiated peace agreement.

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