Ivan Bujan
Education: BA, 2010, University of Rijeka (Croatia); MA, 2012, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary); MA, 2014, New York University; PhD, 2021, Northwestern University. Book Chapters: “Undesiring Whiteness and Undoing the White Gaze in HIV Prevention Marketing,” in Sexual Racism & Social Justice (2024, Oxford University Press), “Blue Is, Blue Does: A Performance about Truvada in Several Interactions,” in Viral Dramaturgies: HIV and AIDS in Performance in the Twenty-First Century (2018, Palgrave Macmillan). Articles: “A Case of Chronic Survivance: Decolonizing the Epidemiology of HIV.” Sexualities. (2024): 1-27, ““Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness:” The Question of Race and National Belonging in Safer Sex Education.” Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture. 13(2020): 37–74.
Personal Statement
Ivan Bujan works at the intersections of performance studies, health humanities, and queer of color critique. His research examines health disparities and envisions equitable health practices for communities facing systemic barriers. He addresses the lack of tailored resources for racialized sexualities and analyzes culturally sensitive and creative interventions, aiming to promote social justice.