A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
A black woman laying down indoors

Brianna Perry



Publications: Untitled, Huner Francis, 2024 (anticipated); kiss make it, Overflow Journal, 2024; Apartment.Gallery, House on Fire, 2dcloud, 2023; If You’re Woke, You Can Dig It, Rootwork Journal: Vol 1., Issue 2, 2021; A Mountain That Looks Like a Woman, self-published, 2020. Exhibitions: Solo Exhibitions: t-shirt <3, Apartment Gallery, Chicago, IL, 2024; femcelanchoressflower1996, hatred 2, Brooklyn, NY, 2024. Selected Joint and Group Exhibitions: In the Group Chat, curated by Bambi Kunst, Collapse Contemporary, Chicago, IL, 2024;The Black Domestic/Living & Dining Roomscapes, curated by Saida Blair and Jordan Barrant, The Greystone Collective, Chicago, IL, 2024; soft answer, self-curated MFA Thesis Exhibition, SAIC Galleries, Chicago, IL, 2024; In Here Out There, curated by Noah Hook, The Plan, Chicago, IL, 2024; The Black Domestic, curated by Saida Blair and Jordan Barrant, SITE Galleries, Chicago, IL, 2023; Homeplace, curated by Saida Blair and Jordan Barrant, SAIC studios, Chicago, IL, 2022; Straight Lick, curated by Black Art Sessions, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY, 2021; Lunch Special, Galesburg Civic Art Center, Galesburg, IL (with artist Ingrid
Wasmer), 2021. 

Personal Statement

I am an artist-writer living and working in Chicago, Illinois. My practice spans from non-traditional painting using fabric dyes and video, to customized t-shirts and permissive graphic design accompanying short texts. My work is infused with a zillennial understanding of image making and consumption, along with negotiating African-American cultural specificity.



Title Department Catalog Term


This drawing studio serves as a broad introduction to historical and contemporary drawing practices. This course presents drawing as an organizer of thought, experience, and image.

Students will investigate a full range of drawing materials and supports. Lectures and exercises introduce various concepts of drawing, possibly including illusionistic form and space, gesture and expressive mark-making, or collage and found imagery, depending on the instructor?s emphasis.

Designed to accommodate many skill levels, students can explore various creative strategies through technical drawing exercises, material explorations, and individual projects. Structured classroom critiques will bring drawing concepts into personal student work.

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This course investigates painting materials, application, color, form, and ideas through contemporary and traditional methodologies. Designed to accommodate many skill levels, students can explore various creative strategies through a skill-based curriculum as well as individual projects. This course serves as a requirement and preparation for topic-based Painting Studio Multi-Level B classes.

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