A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.

Bianca Xunise



Education: BFA, 2012, University of Illinois at Chicago. Exhibitions: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Naughton Gallery, Belfast. Publications: Believer Magazine, Vogue, Nylon, The Washington Post, The Nib. Bibliography: Say Her Name, Be Gay Do Comics. Awards: Small Press Expo Ignatz Award “Promising New Talent,” Small Press Expo Ignatz Award “Outstanding Anthology,” Koyama Provides Grant.


Title Department Catalog Term


The Department of Painting and Drawing offers a wide variety of comics courses, ranging from traditional to experimental methods and techniques. Each course is designed to focus on a specific area of comics production. To learn more about the topic of a specific comics course in which you are interested, please review the course description for that particular class.

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This course explores narratives of illness, stigma, and marginalization told through comics and graphic novels. Students engage in reading, discussing, and making comics dealing with topics of physical and psychiatric illness, caregiving, and recovery. The current 'graphic medicine' movement, applications of comics in art therapy, and graphic novels and comics dealing with narratives of illness outside of a therapeutic or medical context are discussed and used as inspiration to generate content for student projects.

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