A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Selfie of a white woman standing outdoors in Chicago

Beth A Barker



I'm finishing my PhD in philosophy at Northwestern University. I specialize in practical knowledge, or what it means to know how to do things, but I've taught on a variety of topics in philosophy: the meaning of life and death, the nature of mind and rationality, and how to think critically/creatively.


Title Department Catalog Term


In this course, students will develop the skills they need to recognize and evaluate arguments, wherever they find them: journalistic media, social media, advertising, and even the arts. They¿ll do this by learning how to identify argument patterns, how to draw out implicit arguments, and how to avoid common mistakes in reasoning, both psychological and formal. Students will primarily learn through guided practice, and through the work of philosophers like Vaughn, Nguyen, and Setiya.

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