A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Headshot of a person against a white background

Anthony Hamilton

Continuing Studies Instructor


Education: BFA, Studio Art, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; MFA, Studio Art, Illinois State University

Personal Statement

In my interdisciplinary practice I explore the relationship between media and affect. This has taken a variety of forms from an installation based on a grandfather, a curatorial project exploring the effects of the mass of sky photos, a digital show based on the connections between spotting Whales and familial relationships, reviving family recipes, and writing. My work uses installation elements to create a world around analyzing imagery, not for their documentary meaning or truthiness, but for the way they project, inhabit, and embody feeling. My projects use Spaghetti Western sets, antiquated photographic technology, old photographs, drawings, food, and immersive installation elements, to tell pieces of a story to communicate, and perhaps, even allow the viewer to experience the feelings from memory. Through moments of quietness and stillness while working with photography and video, I create a space for re-evaluating personal histories and mythologies.


Title Department Catalog Term


Want to use Adobe Illustrator to create sophisticated and complex designs and illustrations while you hone your skills? Learn the basics of the program before moving on to master transparency, feathering, masking, compound paths, gradients, layering techniques, and the specifics of the pen tool. This course will feature dynamic class demonstrations, and group critiques, as well as personalized feedback from your instructor on each assignment and throughout the creative process. Students should have basic computer skills before signing up for this course.

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Learn the skills you need to manipulate and enhance photographs and digital images. Explore the principal elements of design including composition, color, and typography, as you develop strategies for solving design problems, a design vocabulary, and an understanding of the key role Photoshop can play in creating professional work. Students should have basic computer skills before signing up for this course.

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