Alberto E. Varona
Personal Statement
For over seven years I have cultivated a passion for teaching psychology. In my classroom, I work hard to grow that passion in others through in-class discussion and pragmatic hands-on activities that consolidate learning. The in-class discussions span from the most abstract and theoretical to the most practical. My students discuss the nature of the mind, mental illness and health, the cultural biases of diagnosing, the function of emotion and the absolute significance of evolution and attachment in humans. In order to ensure applied mastery of those topics, my students diagnose various cases, write theoretically informed case formulations and enact live clinical role-plays.
My enthusiasm for psychology grew out of my own curiosity about human nature and experience. This curiosity led me to study philosophy, religion and psychoanalysis. Currently, I am most excited about Object Relations Theories, evolution and Attachment Theory, philosophy of mind and neuropsychoanalysis. The dynamic exchanges between speculative schools of psychology and empirical schools of psychology are necessary and very fruitful. In my daily life I try to be a reminder of the necessity of these dynamic exchanges so that empirical psychology does not lose sight of its dependence on curiosity and creativity. I also try to remind myself that curiosity and creativity, unconstrained by observable reality, can become quite wild and should remain useful to the world and to people. I hope to see you in my classes so that I can learn from you as well.