A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Melissa has short, dark, wavy hair and wears octagon shape glasses.

Melissa Kreider



Melissa Grace Kreider (she/her/hers) is a queer artist, photographer, and survivor advocate currently residing in Chicago, IL. Melissa holds an MFA in Photography from The University of Iowa, and her work and trauma-informed art practice are devoted to examining the systems in place to help or harm victims of sexual and domestic assault on a micro/macro level. Her work has been exhibited and published internationally, and has been reported on by major news organizations such as BBC World News and Wired Magazine.


Title Department Catalog Term


Color Concepts introduces complex ideas and processes associated with the various applications of color in photography. Emphasis is on conceptual, theoretical, cultural, and perceptual aspects of color related to both vision and photographic image-making. The class explores all aspects of color photography. It traces the roots of analog three-color photographic processes first theorized in 1855, less than 30 years after the advent of black and white photography, and explores the successes and the limitations of color film (for example, the racial bias of color film.) Lastly, the class examines contemporary color dominant popularity amongst artists since the 1970s, through the context of a color constructed digital future. Through a variety of exercises and assignments students will develop a keen eye to seeing color in the world and on the screen, use peer discussion and collaboration to advance critique skills, and build aptitude for visual literacy. Technical skills learned, include image capture, color correction, qualities of light, color corrected printing on varying scales and media, digital camera and medium format film camera authorizations, strategies of presentation while expanding on digital skills introduced in PHOTO 1001.

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