A wide shot of a ceramics studio, featuring students working with pottery wheels and other tools.
Maud takes a selfie.

Maud Lavin

Professor Emerita


Education: BA, Radcliffe College, Harvard U; MA, U of Pennsylvania; PhD CUNY Graduate Center.

Publications: CUT WITH THE KITCHEN KNIFE: The Weimar Photomontages of Hannah Höch (Yale UP, named a New York Times Notable Book); CLEAN NEW WORLD: Graphic Design, Culture, and Politics (MIT); PUSH COMES TO SHOVE: New Images of Aggressive Women (MIT), and 3 anthologies; now in press SILENCES, OHIO (Cowboy Jamboree). 

Awards: Kress Travel Grant; NEA Design Projects Grant; Guggenheim Fellowship; CAA Lifetime Achievement Award--Feminisms; nominated for Pushcart Prize (fiction) and Best of the Net (poetry, creative nonfiction).


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