SAIC Community Members Receive Inaugural Frieze Impact Prize

Two School of the Art Institute of Chicago community members have been named the inaugural winners of the Frieze Impact Prize: Associate Professor Maria Gaspar and alum Dread Scott (BFA 1989). The honor, created in partnership with Art for Justice Fund, will award Gaspar and Scott $25,000 each for a work of art that contributes to the ongoing movement to end mass incarceration.

Gaspar was selected for the piece Radioactive: Stories from Beyond the Wall, a work that used audio recordings and animation projections on the exterior of a jail to amplify the voices of more than 40 incarcerated people that she collaborated with over one year. Scott was selected for Wanted, a community-based project that addresses criminalization of United States Black and Brown youth through the creation of “Wanted” posters.

Read more about the prize, the artists, and their winning projects.