Mark Jeffery performing “The Sea and Poison” (1998) by Goat Island. Also pictured: Matthew Goulish, Bryan Saner, Karen Christopher/Photo: Adam Crumlish

Mark Jeffery Talks Goat Island with Newcity

Associate Professor Mark Jeffery (Performance) was featured in an interview in Newcitywhere he discussed how he became part of the performance group Goat Island; the current exhibit at the Chicago Cultural Center, goat island archive: we have discovered the performance by making it; and being a curator, teacher, and director. Of the exhibit and accompany performances at the Cultural Center, Jeffery says, "I’m realizing it’s much more about allowing the archiving to become alive." He also credits his work as curator, teacher, and director to SAIC Professor and Goat Island cofounder Lin Hixson (Performance) and his father, stating, "There are people who I carry in my life all the time. Lin is one of them, my father is one of them. To me it’s about how do you honor the person and the opportunity that you thought you would never have, and the way that you do that is through the respect of making creative work, and through that work, making community happen." 

goat island archive: we have discovered the performance by making it was also mentioned in an article on live art in Chicago in the Chicago Tribune. "What happens there is nothing short of visionary: rather than trying to restage Goat Island’s inimical shows, performance artists from around the globe were invited to respond to them creatively, resulting in nine new spectacles mounted alongside the archival presentation that inspired them," says the Tribune.