Gregg Bordowitz: I Wanna Be Well Featured in Hyperallergic and Morning Shift
Gregg Bordowitz: I Wanna Be Well, an exhibition of work by Professor Gregg Bordowitz, was recently reviewed in Hyperallergic and featured on WBEZ radio's show Morning Shift, where he spoke about the intersection of his art and activism. The publication describes the exhibit as the "first comprehensive overview of Bordowitz’s thirty-year career not only situates his art within the precarious history in which it took shape, but also explores the many ways in which his arts activism continues to bear witness to the injuries of our historical present." The exhibit highlights the other venues beyond the gallery that Bordowitz's practice exists in. "The exhibited objects shuttle between mediating the deeply personal nature of Bordowitz’s art and the milieu of its production. In addition to self-portraits in mirror (1996)—a series of daily drawings that Bordowitz used to document the year that protease inhibitors were introduced to treat HIV—the first gallery contains a vitrine with selections from the artist’s own personal archive (1983–present)," reports Hyperllergic. I Wanna Be Well runs through July 14 at the Art Institute of Chicago.