Pauline Simon (American, 1898-1976), Untitled. 1968. A portrait of a woman with a book. Collection of Karl Wirsum and Lorri Gunn. | "Sixty Inches From Center"

SAIC Faculty-Curated Show Reviewed in Sixty Inches From Center

Lisa Stone, SAIC senior lecturer in the Art History, Theory, and Criticism department was mentioned in a review of Chicago Calling: Art Against the Flow titled Sixty Inches From Center

A review of Chicago Calling: Art Against the Flow titled "Art Against the Flow and the Semantic Ecotone" called the exhibit "vibrant," noting that "the curators Kenneth Burkhart and Lisa Stone refrain from hand-holding." The show features sculptures by Dr. Charles Smith and Henry Darger. Others in the exhibition are Pauline Simon, William Dawson, Lee Godie, Joseph Yoakum, Mr. Imagination, Aldo Piacenza, Wesley Willis, and Drossos Skyllas. The article commends the curator's "push against the idea that there is a specific outsider aesthetic, in favor of … a 'semantic ecotone.'" The semantic ecotone is defined as “the transition between two different planes of ecological communities” signified by a “vague boundary” and “potential for both mutual dependence and competition."

In sum, according to the author the exhibition answered the oft-asked question “Why are there so many great self-taught/outsider artists in Chicago?” ​