Abigail Glaum-Lathbury and Maura Brewer Dress the Paris Review
JUMPSUIT, the subversive "counter-fashion" project by Assistant Professor in the Department of Fashion Design Abigail Glaum-Lathbury (BFA 2006) and Maura Brewer (BFA 2006), has been highlighted in a recent article in the Paris Review, by Heather Radke—who takes it upon herself to wear their jumpsuit for three weeks.
The jumpsuit, which comes in four styles: black or white, short or long-sleeved—is purposefully reminiscent of Soviet garments, designed for function over display. Brewer and Glaum-Lathbury's intent is to make a hyperobject that critiques fashion and capitalism through political dress.
Radke initially struggled with the design of the piece. While the jumpsuit comes in 248 sizes, it became difficult to discard notions of freedom of clothing choice as the ability to curate how the world sees one's body. She "felt fat." As she spends time with these artists, who've been sporting their creation for three years, Radke quickly realizes that, "JUMPSUIT promises to subvert capitalism, but what it really does is make you aware of it. [...] And I felt it when the three weeks of wearing a jumpsuit were finally up [...] that my identity had become so readily bound up in consumption. Capitalism is so omnipresent that it can become impossible to identify. Both in a jumpsuit and out of it, I could feel something on my body that had long been rendered invisible: a set of restrictions that had once felt like freedom."