Lisa Slominski Shines Light on Centers Helping Artists with Disabilities Break into the Art Market
Alum Lisa Slominski (BA 2003) recently wrote an extensive article for Artsy about the fully blossomed movement of studios and art spaces created in support of those with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Slominski’s article lists several international and national collectives bolstering popular self-taught artists and/or artists with disabilities, and how these spaces are encouraging the growth of self-taught art in the international art market.
Her list includes Chicago’s Project Onward, a program started by SAIC alum Rob Lentz (MFA 1997) and Professor Randy Vick who teaches in the Art Therapy department. The article discusses the work of SAIC alum and Project Onward artist Andrew Hall (Post-Bac 1998, MFA 2000) who designed a large-scale glass piece for the CTA's 47th Street Red Line station. Project Onward provides studio space and materials for 50 artists with intellectual disabilities through a competitive selection process. The organization was recently awarded a 2018 National Endowment for the Arts grant. Read the entire article at Artsy.