Angel Otero Considers Elegies in New Exhibit
Alum Angel Otero (BFA 2007, MFA 2009) is exhibiting a series of new paintings at the Bronx Museum of the Arts titled Angel Otero: Elegies. Guest curator Christian Viveros-Fauné asks the audience to consider the work of Otero in relation to that of the abstract expressionist Robert Motherwell and his series of paintings titled Elegy to the Spanish Republic. The series of paintings on view were inspired by conversations between Otero and Viveros-Fauné on the influence of Motherwell and the notion of elegies in Otero’s work and process.
In an article for New York Spaces, Otero explains, "...the more I started to read about Motherwell, it started to make sense to me, and I feel very confident about the exhibition and the connections the curator is making." Otero also remembers his time at SAIC as one where "he perfected his own distinct process-driven construction technique." Otero's exhibit was also featured in a recent article, "Artist Angel Otero's New Show is All about Memory" in the Wall Street Journal (paywall). The exhibit runs from October 25 until April 29, 2018.