The New Yorker Debuts Animated Version of Chris Ware’s Cover
The New Yorker debuts an animated version of a cover designed by Chris Ware (SAIC 1991–93). Titled “Mirror,” the cover is a collaboration between The New Yorker and This American Life. In the story that accompanies the cover, Ware explains his efforts to extend the space as well as the emotion it portrays. Previously, Ware has explored this territory through what he calls “experiments in narrative elongation: multiple simultaneous covers, foldouts, and connected comic strips within the issue.” This time, Ware worked with John Kuramoto to adapt and animate audio provided by This American Life’s Ira Glass. As SAIC’s 2015–16 Bill and Stephanie Sick Visiting Professor, Ware will co-teach a course in the Department of Printmedia titled Comics, Emotional Directness, and Self-doubt with SAIC faculty member Alex Valentine.